Mr. Bow Saw
Addicted to ArboristSite
Another Bow saw for my collection, Mac 10-10.
Another Bow saw for my collection, Mac 10-10.
If you know please tell me why the top guard does not extend back further. Back in the early sixties when my dad was logging, the gap was so you could put oil in the saw. He had an incident where he cut his thumb badly. He wrote McCulloch and they put together and sent him a two piece steel guard that covered this gap. When I had my accident with the 1-60 shown in the "christmas tree" picture, it was that gap that send me to the hospital. Now that we have these nice extruded aluminum guards, I don't see the purpose for the gap other than possibly quicker dumping of chips that make it that far. Just curious. Nice saw by the way. I have thought of converting one of my PM800s to a plunge bow, but when I think about me showing off and not paying attention I repress that idea. I did bid on one of those little brush bows on Ebay though, but I don't know what use I would get from one. Ron
Another nice Bow Cliff,
So how many of then damn Bows
you got now. I know, you like me,
Can't count that high.
Well I finally got her up and the chain that came with it unrusted enough to put on the bar. She was running smoth at idle, revved to rpm pretty well. I did try it out in some wood, not so good there. It dies under load, I am sure that its carb adjustment. I need to study up on those adjustments, thanks to Mark for the info, hopefully I will have it running smoothly soon.
I have a big hickory to drop, if I get the woodpile cut and split, we will invite you down for some run time, to see what its made of.
caleath - have a look around post #4000 in this thread for some information on the 10 Series flat back and it's peculiar adjustments.