I got the 250 put back together today, new carb kit, fuel lines, fuel filter and a sparkly new tank. A little shot of fuel in the carb to prime and got it to fire for a few seconds and then nothing. At first had it at 1 turn out on both screws and then tried 1 1/4.
I'm quite sure the carb kit went in correctly but I suppose I may have done it wrong. I didn't have my compression tester with me but I think it should be sufficient. I don't have the capability to do a leak down test but could the crank seals be so bad the saw won't even fire?
Anything else I should be looking at?
I'm quite sure the carb kit went in correctly but I suppose I may have done it wrong. I didn't have my compression tester with me but I think it should be sufficient. I don't have the capability to do a leak down test but could the crank seals be so bad the saw won't even fire?
Anything else I should be looking at?