Easy sm. You're getting touchy about the cinderblocks again. That subject has been beaten to death here. He didn't say that you said they were the best design. Read slower. Think. Then post.................maybe. He said that the SP saws were McCulloch's best design......and said (with appologies to you) that he wasn't a fan of the "made in Mexico" McCullochs. That's all. Cut the caffine out. Too many energy drinks ain't good for anyone..........................especially a youngster who's grey-matter is still growing into his body. Take no offense....................you're at one of the stages in growth where the body's (and mind's) capabilites outpace the development of common sense and maturity. Hapens several times from age three through the 20's (at least)...:jester:
I'm very impressed with almost everything about my SP-81. Excellent design. I like that big tin shield/inner bar plate design for several reasons. I'm not a fan of intake boots, but these seem to be more robust than most. I wish my saw had been built with the fully adjustable SDC or HS carb (instead of the fixed H-side SDC). Seems to run fine as-is however. May swap on a fully adjustable carb at some point. Not a high priority now however.
Yeah... since I have decided to take off work for a while to get stuff done around the house, and since it really isn't busy there anyways...
I will be out every or at least every morning next week applying for jobs at auto dealerships, etc. I should be able to get stuff done in the afternoon as well. Figure on 2-3 places visited and applied at each morning that I go out and do so.
If that doesn't follow through and no one hires me at a shop full time, I'll be back at school and working at the shop where my dad works.
Yep... caffeine does mess me up a little bit. Apologies for that.
Sorry about me making a smart ass post, dieselsmoke.
On a separate note, I did find an old thread (thanks Google) here that was about rebuilding Tilly HL's, featuring our beloved Gary, owner and CEO of GaryGoo Oil and Petroleum Products Incorporated LLC... one member mentioned the RK89HL kit will work on HL63's... so I will get one tomorrow if possible.
Warped, your 250 barked on prime... just as it was supposed to. It won't pull gas, I replaced the too short fuel line and clamped it good, but the nipple on the tank doesn't have that familiar ridge to hold the line... isn't it supposed to? Anyone know? I figure it might have an air leak there.
Either that, or the carb needs a rebuild, or the lever set properly, etc.
Does anyone know if the same kit for the HL63's will work on the HL87's? I at least would like a kit in stock for that good HL I pulled off of the 1-43 broken rear handle saw. Figure I might use it on another saw.
First thing in the morning is breakfast... then I gotta replace the exhaust on my brother's CR-X... the muffler rusted out, making it a loud ass little car.

He don't like it though, so a new exhaust from the cat back was ordered. I love how good parts for these things are dirt cheap.
The Mad Max rolled over 175,000 just a couple of days ago. Still hauls ass and screams to 5,800 rpm... I think it's just starting to break in that L24E... it's a shame the body will be gone before it hits 200,000 miles. Seems to run stronger every time I drive it.
Oh, something very interesting... the Stihl dealer did not have any HL numbers before 106... WTF? Is it the program they use, or the parts supplier? That's just plain weird. They should have every kit.
I will check with the other shop nearby... that guy runs the place old school... I ask every time I go in about saws... still claim to have nothing to do with them... but I know better...

That barn has a loft. That loft probably has old saws in it. Those old saws probably want to run again.
Yep, I've had way too much caffeine...