McCulloch Chain Saws

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I'm 16 times zones away from home, makes it hard to stay current with all of you...

My 1-85 is still the sweetest sounding saw I have.


Are all you Mac guys hibernating? Here is a picture of my 1-86. Runs on a prime. Ordered the carb rebuild kit. With Marks carb thread, I should be able to make this a runner no problem (thanks Mark). Am up to page 566 now.
View attachment 226896

My wife and I took a road trip a few years ago, out west. No real plans on places to go, we just went. Ended up stopping through your town up there in Idaho. Checked out the sand dunes too. It was darned windy that day. Sand was stinging us good!

Here's what your 1-86 should sound like...This is my 1-76, which is the same, just direct drive



Looks/sounds to me like it WAS a large frame Mac bar, and it has been shade-tree modified to run on a Sachs-Dolmar or big stihl. That's a shame.

Bugger, but makes sense as that 30" McCulloch bar came with a few other solid nose bars that are 070?-090 mount.

Anyway, got the 740 in my mitts (fitted with a huge 18" bar and chain) but things are not looking all that good. Anyone got an IPL they can zap through?
Not sure if this is the original muffer as the bolt holes in the horizontal cooling fins and in the 'flap' above the muffler are not being used. My first thought was that the muffler had been welded direct to the ex port but the weld/brazing job seems to be more of a repair /join to the flange - Where else is the muffler/flange fixed to the cylinder?. Makes it a bit hard to pull and have a quick peak at the piston to see why it locked up. Got both sides of the saw off (recoil and clutch cover) and it will turn by hand on the flywheel, but sounded awful so I stopped that quick smart.

Apparently the wifes grand-dad bought it new from a travelling McCulloch rep that was doing the rounds of farms back in the day (early-mid 60's). He was making fence posts with an old saw bench (circular saw) run off a belt drive from their tractor and getting a bit cross with it (the saw bench) when the rep drove in the gate and he just bought the biggest saw the rep had on the spot. Although not long after he was wishing he got a smaller saw.
Photos are in the next post.
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Are all you Mac guys hibernating? Here is a picture of my 1-86. Runs on a prime. Ordered the carb rebuild kit. With Marks carb thread, I should be able to make this a runner no problem (thanks Mark). Am up to page 566 now.
View attachment 226896

Not really hibernating... just dealing with other stuff. Like Mark mentioned, he's on a business trip that apparently took him 16 time zones away. :)dizzy:)

Just got the drive shaft back onto the Ranger last night. Going to drive over to Ace Hardware to pick up a couple of bolts, and back. Then I'll be crawling back under the truck to make sure all of them clips are still there, and the bolts haven't moved.

After getting back, I think I'm gonna clean up the damn barn. Really getting sick of tripping over stuff, which is kinda funny since I usually don't care.

This spring might be the one where I move EVERYTHING out of the barn into the garage, and completely redo the barn, and build my own cabinets, wall mounted workbenches, and such. It really needs better organization, and more storage space. The walls have tons of room for cabinets and such, so I'm gonna take advantage of that.

Might hop back onto the 790 project after I get the barn somewhat clean, sometime today. Which reminds me, I left you guys cliffhanging and never posted a pic of the port work I did. I'll have to remember to get a pic up sometime today.
Im gonna be getting a 1-76 in sometime soon. Needs spark work. The fella said it needed a new coil, how hard would one be to find?
getting this 1-76 in will be good, introduce me into the 6 cube mac club :)

Update on the SP81 build. Waiting on parts and to get back home.

Mark where ya at? 16 time zones away? Geez, im only 2 time zones away from home.
Busy elsewhere here, too. I got out the 250 this morning to dial it in and halfway through the oiler stopped working. It hasn't run in a while, I imagine there's some piece of crud in there to flush. I fixed the oiler on the 440 the other day and took it out, too and now it has a plugged jet on the low side of the carb, so I get to rebuild that, too. On the other hand, the Root Lumberjack worked pretty well and I started the Super XP-1020AO I got for the first time. It runs good, but won't richen up quite how I'd like and it is oiling, but not as much of that as I'd like either. Always something to do. The kart saw needs finshing also... I'll get it done, eventually.

EDIT: The 1020 is much happier and I got the 2000 lit, too!
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Looks/sounds to me like it WAS a large frame Mac bar, and it has been shade-tree modified to run on a Sachs-Dolmar or big stihl. That's a shame.

Bugger, but makes sense as that 30" McCulloch bar came with a few other solid nose bars that are 070?-090 mount.

Anyway, got the 740 in my mitts (fitted with a huge 18" bar and chain) but things are not looking all that good. Anyone got an IPL they can zap through?
Not sure if this is the original muffer as the bolt holes in the horizontal cooling fins and in the 'flap' above the muffler are not being used. My first thought was that the muffler had been welded direct to the ex port but the weld/brazing job seems to be more of a repair /join to the flange - Where else is the muffler/flange fixed to the cylinder?. Makes it a bit hard to pull and have a quick peak at the piston to see why it locked up. Got both sides of the saw off (recoil and clutch cover) and it will turn by hand on the flywheel, but sounded awful so I stopped that quick smart.

Apparently the wifes grand-dad bought it new from a travelling McCulloch rep that was doing the rounds of farms back in the day (early-mid 60's). He was making fence posts with an old saw bench (circular saw) run off a belt drive from their tractor and getting a bit cross with it (the saw bench) when the rep drove in the gate and he just bought the biggest saw the rep had on the spot. Although not long after he was wishing he got a smaller one!



Man that was hard work making the photos show up inline!

Click this link to download a 740 IPL. I can't see your pics. Just post the links to them and we'll figure it out. Can't answer your muffler question until we see what's going on. Off to SSS and head to work now...
Chris, nice vid of the 1-76. No bogging there. My 1-86 sounds just like that. The sand dunes are why I moved here, KX500 two stroke power.
I rescued another 10-10 this week that was probably headed to the trash...all it needed was the points cleaned! Great running saw now!

I guess now I have to learn to post pics all over!...Just when I thought I had it down pat....
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"Three Piece Round"

I paid $58 for the first two NOS units I found, $60 for the last one.

Someone who doesn't want to spend any time searching was willing to pay dearly for that one, indeed. Actually I put a top bid of $41 thinking if I got it, with shipping it would cost about the same as the last one I bought.

If you need one and would be satisfied with the rectangular one instead of the round one, customchainsawparts has them for $38. GM in Ohio had the rectangular ones as well.

I'd post some photo's but something is going on with my connection and I can't seem to get the "Manage Attachments" to work.

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I paid $58 for the first two NOS units I found, $60 for the last one.

Someone who doesn't want to spend any time searching was willing to pay dearly for that one, indeed. Actually I put a top bid of $41 thinking if I got it, with shipping it would cost about the same as the last one I bought.

If you need one and would be satisfied with the rectangular one instead of the round one, customchainsawparts has them for $38. GM in Ohio had the rectangular ones as well.

I'd post some photo's but something is going on with my connection and I can't seem to get the "Manage Attachments" to work.


Hmmm...maybe I had something wrong when I tried posting a pic of that last 10-10. I assumed they changed it again.

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