That thing is not a turd, it a four hour post indian restaurant pile of sh*t. I dont know what to do. Seller thinks I stole the coil off the saw and apparently wont accept it without the coil. I have no Mcculloch saws and a coil with an apparently cut plug wire is half of an ignition system I dont need. And I wouldnt have gone to all this trouble when if i had wanted a coil there is one on ebay for $9 vs $73. And seller says he wont refund shipping, but as someone just pointed out ebay will require this, yay me.
However if the sun shines on my backside for once this week and someone finds a P/C maybe i could just get this thing into frankensaw running shape???
And big thanks to Joey for helping me out in this mess. And thanks to all you guys on the site....Im SICK and cant do much but lay here and browse AS