formerly promac610
Kyle, you said you wanted to be a welder - have at it - should be cheaper than a new tank assembly. Looks like a good score for you. Ron
Ron... I would love to try welding that... but I'd need a Miller Synchrowave TIG machine, three phase power, and a bunch of mag filler rods. We're talking 30+ grand. (a 1lb pack of mag filler rods easily costs 20,000 bucks...) - Gas, Welding, Safety Supply.
Or I could go to the college and ask to use one of their welders for a while and hope they have some mag rods laying around. Chances are that they would have to order mag rods.
I'm fairly amateur yet... long, long ways to go before I can TIG aluminum or magnesium like Lee can. It's easy once you get the hang of it, but it takes a while for most to get the hang of it. Understanding the process helps a bit, but there still are so many variables that experience is the only way to really learn how to be a good weldor.
The 700 definitely was a good score. I am actually considering selling the 610 (gasp! heresy!) once it runs properly and the 700's handle is repaired and it proves to be a great saw... then again, it may be a good idea to keep the cinder block.