Mister Wizard
The last saw in a box I tackled was a Husqvarna 55 Rancher. Put it back together and it runs fine. Makes me wonder why someone took it apart.
My first saw was a tired 031AV that was given to me by my 4-H small engines project leader when I was 11. It'd been donated to the club by somebody who'd torn it down and lost interest. Bought a piston and rings from the dealer (this was 1984 or so) using some hard earned lawn mowing money and put it together using the IPL in the back of the owner's manual as a guide. Had it up and running by my 12th birthday and used it over several summers doing property cleanup jobs. It helped me make a buncha dirt bike/car money before wearing out (the jug was already a bit scored when I started). Put it aside for many years. bought an NOS P/C for it on feebay, but never got around to rebuilding the saw. Sold the whole thing to an AS member last year (to get money for Homelite and Mac parts), and he finished rebuilding the saw a few months ago.