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Not to get too far off topic here but my local shop supply place called me today and asked if I still wanted that t540xp? Sure I said. Apparently its on its way and it's 650.00... Better be a good saw..
Not to get too far off topic here but my local shop supply place called me today and asked if I still wanted that t540xp? Sure I said. Apparently its on its way and it's 650.00... Better be a good saw..
If you get one some feed back would be great!
OP the 346 and 357 are very nice saws I have both as well as many other husky saws. The 346 is what I think is the perfect saw for climbing and bucket work, after a 200t, it is light, fast, and powerful. The 357 is my favorite saw all around, a bit heavier than the 346 but thunders through the wood with an 18" bar.
Not to get too far off topic here but my local shop supply place called me today and asked if I still wanted that t540xp? Sure I said. Apparently its on its way and it's 650.00... Better be a good saw..
If you get one some feed back would be great!
OP the 346 and 357 are very nice saws I have both as well as many other husky saws. The 346 is what I think is the perfect saw for climbing and bucket work, after a 200t, it is light, fast, and powerful. The 357 is my favorite saw all around, a bit heavier than the 346 but thunders through the wood with an 18" bar.
Will that 346 handle a 20 inch bar ok? Its not a huge big deal, just that i have alot of 20 inch chains. I found a dealer close to me but I am skeptical thats its just a couple of saws covered in dust. I will check it out. maybe a trip to Middlefield sometime who knows. Then I could stop at Arborwear! talk about killing birds with stones....could get expensive.
Arborwear is due for their spring sale, so if you are going to come out this way, you should tie it into that weekend. It is almost across the street from the Ramble Inn which serves great beer and burgers so shoot me a PM if you are coming to the Middlefield area.....Hell, if you are coming this far, stop by my house and I will let you cut something with my 346xp. The guys at First Quality in Middlefield are a real good group, there is also Alvord's over in Chardon, I like them too.
You can run a 20 inch bar on it and shouldn't have any issues. I run an 18 on mine and can only say good things about it. In fact, I use that saw as much as I can.
Will that 346 handle a 20 inch bar ok? Its not a huge big deal, just that i have alot of 20 inch chains. I found a dealer close to me but I am skeptical thats its just a couple of saws covered in dust. I will check it out. maybe a trip to Middlefield sometime who knows. Then I could stop at Arborwear! talk about killing birds with stones....could get expensive.
Not to get too far off topic here but my local shop supply place called me today and asked if I still wanted that t540xp? Sure I said. Apparently its on its way and it's 650.00... Better be a good saw..
Interesting. Van Curen has had one since the winter, but it's their own demo saw from Husky. They like it and want another. The last I heard was the dealers had a PN for them, but no idea when they would show, just sometime this year.
I like the ms201t with a muff mod. Nice saw with good power. I have a ms200 ripped down right now, getting a new crank, bearings, seals and carb. Should be oww so sweet when done.
Treeace, Middlefield is king for saws around here. Ray's Repair or First Quality are excellent husky dealers. I know both those guys really well and so does my wallet.:msp_biggrin: Ray's Repair is gonna have the cheaper price though. I know Smallwood deals with First Quality. It's really a toss up to me. I try to spread the wealth. Then you have other saw shops such as Miller's Small Engine and Joe's Saw Shop.
Arborwear is due for their spring sale, so if you are going to come out this way, you should tie it into that weekend. It is almost across the street from the Ramble Inn which serves great beer and burgers so shoot me a PM if you are coming to the Middlefield area.....Hell, if you are coming this far, stop by my house and I will let you cut something with my 346xp.
Interesting. Van Curen has had one since the winter, but it's their own demo saw from Husky. They like it and want another. The last I heard was the dealers had a PN for them, but no idea when they would show, just sometime this year.
I like the ms201t with a muff mod. Nice saw with good power. I have a ms200 ripped down right now, getting a new crank, bearings, seals and carb. Should be oww so sweet when done.
Dude I'm just torn.. stihl broke my heart with those flippy caps - I just can't get over it. I won't buy another one untill the flippy caps are banished from the earth forever... And I get a public apology from stihl.. and a new pair of arborwear pants..
Dude I'm just torn.. stihl broke my heart with those flippy caps - I just can't get over it. I won't buy another one untill the flippy caps are banished from the earth forever... And I get a public apology from stihl.. and a new pair of arborwear pants..
So you are giving your blessings on the ms201t, Andy? I mean my 020T still runs good and hot with a 16 inch bar, but it never hurts to have a backup waiting in the stable.....I mean as far as I am concerned what you say about chainsaws is gospel bro......