Smells Great
Just flat out tell him, "look buddy I dont mind you , but I dont like the toxic smoke your stove is belchin out. And if you dont stop burnin that $hit I will have to involve the authorities."

I knew it.Kinda sounds British eh sir stihl sawing.
LOL, Yep and woodbooga already has me in the old folks home.
This is on topic and and a little off topic but I am laughing about the latter part of this post at the moment,not the creosote part..AOD,sounds like this guy is a hillbilly of sorts with thrown the trash on and all.I'm thinking the Deliverence movie,DUNADAHDUNDUN! Heavy banjo playing in the background.As for the diapers, reminds me of a story a workmate told me about.He was at a camping site enjoying himself and the family in the next site to him was leaving their dirty disposable diapers lying around and their dog the crap eaten bugger was dragging them off just a munching away,I laughed so hard, man that was funny.Windthrown that creosote is bad news.I worked three ears around creosoted pilings cutting ends off for supports of a big wooden wall. The creosoted sawdust,chips would burn the hell out of you.Have you ever seen pile drivers after working with that stuff in the sun,RED man RED.I am pretty sure that stuff is banned up here now.
I have joked about burning poles and tires ect but the grim truth is that they contain a known carcinogen that is let out into the air and deposited on the soil that then drains into YOUR water .
I would explain this to him in a nice way then I would blow the horn on him the instant it happens again.
to think that a member of your family gets cancer and this guy may have been part of the cause would not make it easy to sleep at night in my opinion!
I have joked about burning poles and tires ect but the grim truth is that they contain a known carcinogen that is let out into the air and deposited on the soil that then drains into YOUR water .
I would explain this to him in a nice way then I would blow the horn on him the instant it happens again.
to think that a member of your family gets cancer and this guy may have been part of the cause would not make it easy to sleep at night in my opinion!
why are you whining about it here?
Grow a set of stones and go tell him to stop if you are concerned.
4" piece of steel pipe 1/2" dia, fine black powder and aluminum flake. Need I say more?![]()