Problems with smoke from neighbor's burn pit

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From what I understand, an outdoor security camera pointed in a direction that would catch vandals on your property . Is legal, even if it captures your neighbors property.
Even on privet land, if someone standing outside the perimeter can film anything they want.
The media dose it everyday!
The media post security pictures of crimes from surveillance cameras from other business on the news every day.
The key is to not trespass on privet property to do it.
I have to wonder why they included a "privacy screen" function in the system. It must be illegal somewhere to video someone else's property without their consent.
Lots of good advice here but I think it's worth repeating some. 1) Seek councle on the issue, 2) know the trespassing laws (you might not be able to get them on trespassing if you don't have "No Trespassing" signs up), 3) continue to build a legal record with law enforcement if their harassing continues, 4) document economic losses as a result of their shenanigans, 4) use video for securits and documation every chance you can (including audio!), 5) don't participate/rebuttal, and 6) keep us up to date lol. GL

Good advice.
I like doing psychological experiments on the public.
The more irritated they get, the calmer I get. Don't let them get your goat. Thats what they want.
It works most of the time. It catches them off guard and they start feeling foolish.
I have to wonder why they included a "privacy screen" function in the system. It must be illegal somewhere to video someone else's property without their consent.

Not to my knowledge, it is legal. As long as the camera is not pointed directly into a window.
If it's just a general surveillance covering your yard and property. Then It's legal.
Welcome to the age of lost privacy.
Chances are, no mater where you go in public, your being recorded.
I saw a program where they can do things that will blow your mind.
No privacy anymore.
Abject piffle. Speaking the truth may be a foreign concept to some but remarkable as it may seem to the same or similar liars, there are still people who value the truth over their own gain or limiting of losses. I have read or heard of such sayings as yours before and, frankly, the inherent disrespect pisses me off.
Awe poor baby is pissed off, guess what? No one cares.
Here is stroy told to me by my then 82 year old neighbor (1972), Henry, who owned an auto repair garage. Behind his garage was a house and every Wenesday mid-morning, the woman who owned the house would come down and light her trash barrel on fire. The smoke would fill his garage and no attempt to get her to change her habit was successful. Every 4th Wenesday, the Woman would have her bridge club over for lunch and an afternoon playing bridge. So Henry had a hole cut in his cinder block wall opposite the burn barrel and installed a 4 foot diameter fan. Henry waits until one hot day in August, she lights her barrel up and then has her friends over for a lunch which was conviently servered on her back porch overlooking Henry's garage. Henry fired up the fan and smoked them out, she came out madder than hell, result, she moved the burn barrel over to the other side of her property and Henry removed the fan before the weather got cold. This took place back in the 50's so it wouldn't fly today.
Here is stroy told to me by my then 82 year old neighbor (1972), Henry, who owned an auto repair garage. Behind his garage was a house and every Wenesday mid-morning, the woman who owned the house would come down and light her trash barrel on fire. The smoke would fill his garage and no attempt to get her to change her habit was successful. Every 4th Wenesday, the Woman would have her bridge club over for lunch and an afternoon playing bridge. So Henry had a hole cut in his cinder block wall opposite the burn barrel and installed a 4 foot diameter fan. Henry waits until one hot day in August, she lights her barrel up and then has her friends over for a lunch which was conviently servered on her back porch overlooking Henry's garage. Henry fired up the fan and smoked them out, she came out madder than hell, result, she moved the burn barrel over to the other side of her property and Henry removed the fan before the weather got cold. This took place back in the 50's so it wouldn't fly today.

hey pp, good one! :) had a similar situation... the neighbors kept on, imo being pests... noise, pollution etc... so one day I moved one of my outdoor fire pits (on wheels) over to the fence line and lit me up a real good wet pine fire... on pretense to BBQ! lol ;) :laughing: talk about smoke! I kept it going... wind put smoke in their faces! they came home to it and the sh*t hit the fan. I ignored them and threats of calling FD. "go ahead!' sirens soon permeated the air!! really big red trucks! but fireman decided they could not address the issue, as it was the Fire Marshall's decision since [somewhat ;) ] was controlled. [ lol ]... I kept adding pine. 2 hrs later he showed up, privately called me out for being a bit out of line. I said, but... but... I am merely having a BBQ!...

"yeah, right!", he said... "with wet pine?"


well, the neighbors got the message. I couldn't get them to be reasonable... so I just smoked them out!!! ;) they up and moved suddenly several months later... during time place vacant, I went over and got their old door mat... not particularly a trophy [ NOT :numberone:] lol... and put it down in a suitable place in patio area... haha... I wanted it, even though bit worn & torn... haha, I wanted it, just to see it as a reminder that they was GONE!

I still have it.... :)
While we are waiting for the next update from the OP, here is another Henry story I witnessed firsthand. Henry and I lived on a dirt road, my house was first and his was the second with a small hill in bewteen. Henry's wife had a kinda perpetual tag sale on their porch, mostly china, depression glass, etc. The porch was about 40' long with windows the whole length. The porch was only about 20' feet away from the road. We had this new neighbor up the road who recently purchased a summer residence, a nice old New England farmhouse. The house is only about 15' from the road at the most. The neighbor, Don (not his real name) was a dentisit from NYC and always drove a nice big new Mercedes. You could hear Don coming as he turned off the state highway and onto our road, roaring up the hill past my house and up the hill past Henry's in a cloud of dust. Henry asked him to slow down repeatedly as the dust would drift through the porch's jelosy windows and get all over his wife's glassware. We guessed that in Don's eyes, Henry was just a dumb old yankee, not refined and of good breeding like Don, consequently, Don ignored Henry's pleas. Then mid-summer, Don had a group of painters painting his house. The color was barn red. Henry waited patiently until the painters got to the front of his house, then Henry hooked up about ten 10'-20' log chains to the back of his 1964 Chevy pickup. Henry then took off up the road in a cloud of dust. He drove past Don's place and on up the road to turn around. As he approached Don's farmhouse, Don ran out into the road and flagged him down. Don starts yelling at Henry "What the hell do you think your doing". Henry sat there expressionless and listened to Don's rant "Can't you see I'm getting my house painted and your getting dust all over it." When Don finally came up for air, Henry very calmly, almost a whisper, said "I'm just cleaning the rust off of my chains.....................and oh by the way, this dust aint any different than the dust at my place when you come speeding by" From then on Don would go speeding by my place, then you could hear him slow way down as he passed Henry's and once past then gun it again. Dumb yankee:)
Hey! I'm not the one that created a language that is on of the hardest to master.
Some words are spelled the same but have different meanings. Letters that different meanings.
If your offended by my spellin, just move along. The spelling police are arrogant and full of themselves.
Did you have something to contribute to the thread, or are you just bragging?

Nah, I'm just funnin' ya. No offense taken here. :drinking:
make sure you have no trespassing signs up and if she comes over again take a picture of her and call the cops. she's a definite wack job.
Nothing like a whacked out neighbour with lots of booze to fuel their fire.
Sorry for your problems, and definitely record and take notes of all instances and interactions. Get one of those little video cams for a hat brim. They work great and will be evidence if you need it.
I have a nasty neighbour too. He's a bit of a nut job and an alcoholic and I've been told by others that know him as well. He threatened to shoot my dog once for barking with his dog through the fence. He even pointed a loaded gun towards my house and said that he could shoot it if it jumped the fence and attacked him. Why do others always make up stories of things that could happen when nothing has happened?
Police were called because he had the gun out and pointing in my direction and they told me that the dogs are only property and he can defend himself from them. I replied that I could shoot up his new truck if it veered onto my property to defend myself against it too don't own any guns but the point was made).
They warned him to put the gun away and not cause any more trouble.
Nah, I'm just funnin' ya. No offense taken here. :drinking:

Not funny. Do you enjoy cyber bulling? Why do you do it?
Is your self esteem so low you feel the need to make fun of others?
Those kind of post just show your true feelings. Good to know.
Take that altitude over to Utube. Keep that **** off this forum.
Here is the latest, but probably not the last installment:

On April 20th at approximately 4pm the male neighbor came into my shop complaining of a bee’s nest in my building. He requested that I give him $200 to pay for someone “to take care of it.” I explained that they were honey bees and that I had already consulted with an apiarist. Due to them being in the blocks of my building they could not be removed, only destroyed. I explained that I would prefer to leave them. They are endangered, beneficial, and have never bothered anyone. However, if he felt they were a problem he could pay to have a professional exterminator deal with them. He then left the building muttering that I would be sorry and that I would wish I had just given him the money. He and the woman stood out on the sidewalk in front of my building for several minutes (I have video) yelling that I would be sorry. Once they got their lawyer involved and we had to move our fence I would wish I’d have just paid them. After several minutes of this the woman got the attention of a young sheriff fueling his car next door. I saw them talking and eventually the sheriff entered my building. I explained the situation with the dispute over the fire and outlined our last three interactions. The officer then asked, what about the bees? I explained there were honey bees in our building. They were not a nuisance to me. If the neighbors thought they were then they could pay for an exterminator to remove them. The officer seemed satisfied by this. He took my name and DL# and said he would go talk to the neighbor.

Later that night another sheriff stopped by. I had already left for the evening. My partner was there and he asked the officer if this was about the bees? The officer said no, but he knew all about them. He was here to investigate a complaint from the neighbor that on April 18th (the night the fire department was there) someone on our property threw something at their house and then sped away in a red van (I drive a red van). Also that workers at our shop were loitering and smoking behind the building and throwing trash and cigarettes on their property. All of these claims are false. We have both a smoking area and a lunch room at the shop, neither of which are anywhere near the neighbor’s property. Furthermore a 25’ high arborvitae privacy screen separates our lot and their driveway and their house is 150’ from the street. In any event it was extremely unlikely that I would or could throw anything at their house. The officer seemed satisfied by this. I have requested a copy of this report.
I don't see any reason to destroy the honey bees. As long as you don't mess with them, they won't mess with you. They are very beneficial and they do a lot of good work. But all I can picture is a big burly cop with a military hair cut and with his arms crossed he asks well what about the honey bees. It just seems like the stupidest thing for a cop to be involved in.
I don't see any reason to destroy the honey bees. As long as you don't mess with them, they won't mess with you. They are very beneficial and they do a lot of good work. But all I can picture is a big burly cop with a military hair cut and with his arms crossed he asks well what about the honey bees. It just seems like the stupidest thing for a cop to be involved in.
Maybe he wanted to be part of a sting operation? sorry, someone had to say it.
Oh grow up. If you can't take a joke then you've got far deeper problems than alcoholism.

Making fun of others at there expense, is no joke.
You didn't like my response , so you got offended.
Now you know what it feels like.
I like a good joke as well as anyone else. But what I wont put up with is someone feeling there better the others.
You took a *** is my inelegance, for your amusement, not cool.
You may be very smart, and good for you. But dont think just because your smart, your above others.
We have had some very nice conversations and have agreed on many things.
Respect, earns respect.
I'll get over it, and please try not to insult my intelligence.
I'm not holding a grudge, we all have brain farts from time to time, me included.
It's all good, And I'm not an alcoholic, I have a few beers about once a month, and i limit to 2/3 tops. However that night i went a little overboard.
I hope that helps clear up some confusion.
Lets keep it friendly and I will forgive your brain fart,
I would have been happier if you didn't insist I grow up. I wasn't the one doing the insulting.
Just food for thought.
OP as a bee keeper my self I will tell you that those can be removed by a experienced bee keeper not killed. The method is called a trap out some times a cut out, it does take a bit of time to do the job.
Basically you find the bees entrance and set up a cone they will be able to come out of their hive but can't for some strange reason find the way back in. You set a hive close for them to use at night which will get fuller and fuller every day.

I my self use a 5 frame nuc box rather than a 10 frame hive and change the nuc as it fills up. After a while when no bees are bringing any more food into the hive the queen will some times come out but most times she just starves to death. Once no more bees are coming out you can take the set up down and plug the entrance they used to get in the building.

Now a good bee keeper will charge for this, you have to do the set up and change the hives out from time to time. Equipment is tied up in the operation.

My self if they are not bothering any one and you are not forced to get rid of the bees due to some state, county or city law I would leave then alone.
Good luck with your problem I feel for you and all the stress of having to deal with that type of person/people.

:D Al