Another update! Fixed the sander I had boogered up a couple weeks ago with new parts. That was a bear, but its back together and running great. This summer im going to weld some finer mesh on top to keep all the rocks out. For now, I just used a dirt sifter that I put on top while I load. Takes a little longer, but no more rocks in the sander.
First pic shows you the bent fans that needed replacing. They took quite a beating..
Second shows the new ones installed. Nice and straight, no dings!
So the wife and I are looking into a abutting land-locked piece of property. I decided to walk the boundaries and check it out. along my trip I found this. it started about 8 ft up, and was about 6 ft high. After some research I learned porcupines do this! kinda neat. Tree is about a 1/8 mile from my back property line.
So the weather has been wonky the last couple weeks. Cold, hot, rainy, cold, windy, etc. It finally leveled off and we hit 60 today! The ground has been drying a ton so I headed out with the saw. It hasn't been run since Christmas

. I headed out to the beeches to finish up some cuts. First I got the last portion of the last tree bucked. These are some serious rounds. will have to halve them first just to pick them up.
I also had some stubborn ones, so they got a noodling! thatll teach them to not respect the fiskars.
With those piles pretty well set and just in need of some splitting and being moved to the stacking area, I ventured back to a steep hill towards the back of my property. I have about 6 red oaks that have been down a long time. All the sapwood is gone, but the heartwood is solid and ready. I cut until I ran the tank dry. Its about a 60% slope, not my most favorite footing, but I moved slowly and carefully and didn't run in to any problems.
I headed in, so I had time to get ready for work and passed this snapped top propped against itself. Looks like it might be a lightning strike to me, but im not sure. seems weird to be singed just in the middle like that.
Back out front, I grabbed a beer, sat down on my big pine stump by the road, and took it all in. What a awesome feeling living out here!