Of course i can & ur stove aint "fixed" right if u cant. Why is it that both air intakes come from overhead in the doghouse? The primary air even enters where the exhaust port is located & u'd think the air would get sucked up the chimni instead of feeding the fire below & airwashing the glass.Can you burn the stove down with the adjustable primary air and enough fuel? You can't with secondary air because the inlet area is fixed by design. fixed = controlled
Of course i can & ur stove aint "fixed" right if u cant. Why is it that both air intakes come from overhead in the doghouse? The primary air even enters where the exhaust port is located & u'd think the air would get sucked up the chimni instead of feeding the fire below & airwashing the glass.
Many a moron has argued a la Humpty Dumpty style.
You don't make sense and are confusing the intelligent "conversing" to solve the issue of this thread.
coal & or coals burn best when the air is coming from below as on a grate= pile the coals on the hole to the ashpan & let air in thru the ashpan to burn/ashify the coals.
load the stove to the max after u move the coals to the front [good luck with the mess] & refire the stove with primary , 2ndary, & ashpan open until the system gets hot & chimni is heated. Then close the ashpan & then the primary. AT this point the secondaries should be firing but monitor their burn to assure they dont die. If they die ,open the primary & or ashpan to reestablish the burn.............eventually, u'll figure the thing out.........good lux= my prior post. dunno how ur stove is configured but i do know what air buoyancy is & wrote a blog on it which is in my signature.
The 2 windows behind the stove make great heat sinks. Not only will hot air from the stove convect there , but any hot steel from the stove that can "see" the glass will radiate there just like a flashlight= try covering the windows so the stove cant see the glass.
Cold exterior chimni is problematic too but the fire i see in ur stove looks fine to me & if the stove dont smoke when u open the door, the draft is fine to me. Even if u get the magical 2ndary burn going,I dont think u'll know what to do with- most peeps dont & thats why I wrote the blog "nature of fire"...vvv
Windows were open to let the 30 degree air into the room otherwise we would be the venison jerky we were attempting to hunt. We also needed fans to pull air in. Fire looks fine because in that photo the draft was wide open
Opening the ash pan can only be done for a few moments per the installer and not at all according to manufacturer.
Per the install manual, Grates are not permitted in the stove!
Only 1 control for draft, no separate primary or secondary controls.