Mister Wizard
LOL, I guess I need to type faster, to beat Bob to the punch. Another popular bar for them was the Windsor made bars also. Model number or name escapes me now...brain fart.They look similar, but have a slightly larger bar slot. Them are the ones you need the hard to find S-clip for.
As Mark said after your post (and before mine here), the Windsor designation is UXL. Some were also marked TXL. They'll work on Homelites and Remingtions that take a D096/D196 bar too. My 306A has a UXL bar and an 'S' clip. I believe it's the original bar on the saw.
Well, from what ModifiedMark has stated the 5020 comes with a 3/8 pitch Oregon K041 bar mount. If you go 16 " I'm not sure you can get the K041 in a 3/8 pitch. Likely .325 pitch. I'm sure someone will elaborate if a 16" can come in a 3/8 pitch. Sorry I don't have a definitive answer, though I'll do a little research.
The K041's are available in .325 and 3/8". Most of the 3/8" K041's that I've seen are the "Intenz" type. There are several on feebay now.
Just throwing this out there.
My 4000 came with 18" 3/8 050 replaceable tip windsor with S clip. I sold it PHO and left the clip on it. The bar seems to be a D196 D096 maybe that had S clip? I could be wrong but thinking that. Great shape and I would trade it for a 16-20 3/8 050 D176 or D009.
I have a 16" 3/8-.050G sprocket nose NOS Oregon Pro Lite D176 mount bar that I'd trade you for that 18" Windsor UXL bar. Do you still have the loop of chain?
...You cannot swap the D276 Mac mount back to a Poulan D176 saw though as they had no oil holes in the 276 bar. The D176 mount has the oil holes for the Poulan but will oil through the adjuster holes when mounted on a Mac like the original 276 bar did...
Mark have you ever tried running a D276 mount bar on a Poulan that requires a K041? They both oil through the adjuster holes and have the same size bar slot. I'm going to try it on my PP330 and see how things work.
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