Is it possible to run .325 chain on these box store saws?
With the right sprocket and bar I do not see why you could not run .325 on anything you want.
Which box store saws was that by the way.

Is it possible to run .325 chain on these box store saws?
I have some strawberry and cherry shine left over that will make you forget all about it.
With the right sprocket and bar I do not see why you could not run .325 on anything you want.
Which box store saws was that by the way.![]()
I was thinking Poulans mainly.
Was there any particular model. There was some that came with .325.
Was there any particular model. There was some that came with .325.
I agree. Bet most Poulans over the last 10 years came with .325 bars and chains. Seems to be the choice of smaller saws.
All the ones I've come in contact with in Canada have 3/8 chains.
You know Lee you are being very vague with what models or year of manufacture of the saws that you are referring to. For example to my knowlege the 3400,3700,375,395,4000 models all came with 3/8. But like Tim has already posted alot of other models came with .325.
Why do I feel like I am spittin in the wind here. :deadhorse:
Help me out guys I can't remember which bar mount goes on the 3000. Is it the AO41 or KO41? CSCC says AO41 but Bailey's bar selector says KO41..![]()
All the ones I've come in contact with in Canada have 3/8 chains.
In a discussion on another chainsaw repair board (hint hint) a fellow posted up an automated CR/SKF seal finder link where you put in the manufacturer's seal part number and it gives you the SKF/CR match. Most Poulan #'s that I tried didn't yield any hits..........but one did.
The 530019059 seal for the Poulan Micro saws came up as 4913 when I omitted the "5300" prefix and entered the # as "19059". This isn't earth shattering however, as the 530019059 seal is still available through Poulan/Husqvarna......
SKF | Online Catalog | Interchange (457012) | Parts Lookup
When you enter "19059" into the system, it comes up as a "Poulan" part and gives you SKF 4913.
Product Datasheet for 4913
I'm not sure where to ask this question but since you are experienced saw guys, I have a chain question.
I have a 24" loop of Oregon 73DPX chain in pretty good shape but it has two broken tie straps (same side of the chain). They are both broken straight through the middle.
I would like to get a couple of straps and presets and try to repair the chain. Is there any reason I shouldn't do that?
I'm asking becasue it seems strange to me that they wouldn't break at the rivet holes.
If it's done right it should be as strong as new. (or stronger)
Check the rakers real good to try to determine if one or more is way too low.
It is unusual that one chain would break two tie straps. Does it give any evidence that it has been real hot?
I checked the rakers and they are all close to .025. The chain does not appear to worn much where the straps contact the bar and I don't see any evidence of heat. All in all it looks like a good chain except for the straps.
I'm glad I noticed them before I did some cutting.