I wouldn't do that if I were you!!!
There were several guys that I know who were PISSED that, that particular saw was gone before anyone else got a chance to own it.
What are you doing in dark alleys?
What other Poulans are in the same family as the 2600?
That is one sweet 6000.
Where in the world did you find that bar? Looks OEM?
I've got a Craftsman 2.0 (same as Poulan 2000?) that takes a bunch of pulls on the starter cord to fire. After that, it runs pretty well. I had attributed the hard starting to no primer bulb and a fairly long uphill run from the tank to the carb, making it take awhile for the gas to get there. But when I went to adjust the idle speed today I noticed that almost as soon as the saw cut off, all the fuel drained quickly back down the fuel line into the tank. No wonder it is taking so many pulls to get it started!
Is there a check valve in the carb or something else to keep all the gas from running back into the tank immediately? Can it be repaired?
Thats a great piece of advice right there, if the vent in the cap wont hold pressure on it, the fuel drains out fast.
Old stiff pump side diaphragms dont help any either.
Those caps can be a PITA and next time I do one I think I'm going to block the cap vent off completely and put a duckbill in a drilled hole in the tank..
AFAIK, which aint much, the inlet needle, once seated, should work as a check valve, like holding your finger over a straw will keep the liquid in there.
Other than recoil side decal doesn't look like a 4000. From what I could see of muffler, i see no deflector.
Poulan Counter Vibe 4000 Chainsaw with 20" Bar and Chain Runs Good | eBay
Other than recoil side decal doesn't look like a 4000. From what I could see of muffler, i see no deflector.
Poulan Counter Vibe 4000 Chainsaw with 20" Bar and Chain Runs Good | eBay
I would say this looks more like the real deal.A Craigslist item, but don't look bad. He obviously knows what they are worth too. Don't often see one of these older Poulan's of this size with a hard case. So, looks to be in great shape.
poulan 4000
I would say NO Bob. Looks to me like a early 3400, that has had parts replaced on it. Has the small screw rear handle, and early style oil cap. Can't say it doesn't have a 4000 p/c, but I doubt it.:msp_confused: I'd be leery of buying it, as a 4000.
Everything there screams 3400 except the starter. Can the 4000 starter swap right over? I know the other direction requires a flywheel......
I will say though Bob, It wouldn't surprise me at all, if someone didn't actually know what they had! Just go by what it says on the cover.:msp_mellow: Who knows how many times it was "fixed up" over the years. Parts got from something else to keep it going.
I recently made up a saw for a friend of mine, that cuts with me. All he has had, is a couple Wildthings. It is amazing though, just how much wood he has cut with them. He was kinda wanting a bigger saw. But doesn't have the money for it. So I made up a saw for him with whatever parts I had that could be used, and bought a couple items, and gave it to him for Christmas.
I made a saw with the crankcase from a Craftsman 3400, P/C from a 4000, old style rear handle from a 3400, that I drilled out for the larger screws & counter vibe parts I had. Recoil & top cover are from 3400, 4000 top covers should be black, I think. I put a 4000 air cleaner setup on. It has a 3400 muffler with couple holes drilled in the front. LOL And a 4000 clutch cover I had.
So its a bastardized conglomeration, that somebody would be hard pressed to figure out just what model it is.Here are a few pics of it. This would keep a "Poulan Guy" guessing for a while to come up with an answer.
You may be correct. Only way would be to check bore size and rings. I did ask if the saw had thing rings but again that's no assurance either that its a 4000, but if it does have thin rings we know its not a 3400.
What is the piston diameter of a 3300. I have , supposedly three 3000's but I think one is actually a 3300. Problem is the clutch covers and recoils are from parts saws and are from a 2700 and 3000. I did have two 3300's but sold one a couple years ago and should have one 3300 left. Haven't found any info on the piston sizes so not sure which one is the 3300.
Bob, Only thing I can tell ya from what info I have is the cyl. bore dia. of 3300 is 1.830 and is chromed. The cyl bore on the 3000 is 1.745 and is aluminum.