It's interesting that the 3800's seem to have higher compression numbers that the 3400's. I didn't check squish of the 3800's but the 3400's seem to gave numbers around .040" . whem I dot the most recent 3400 the comp was at 132 bs. Eliminating the vase gasket took it to 140 after running it for a while. That is definitely they highest compression 3400 I have. My 3700's are at 170 lbs for one of them and I think the other is maybe at 155 lbs.
When the weather gets warmer and I can dig some wood out of the snow, I will try a few comparison cuts with a 3800 and a 3700 saw.
wonder if there's much real difference.
I can sure tell the difference between a 3400 and a 3700 with 20" bars