Nik's Poulan Thread

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Yikes!! Your Great Grandfathers saw! I'm suddenly feeling very old...:(

Yea my dad says he remembers them buying this saw before he left for Vietnam,growing up they did a lot of logging that was way before this saw though. He says they had a couple of good saws. I've been want to get it running again.
Yea my dad says he remembers them buying this saw before he left for Vietnam,growing up they did a lot of logging that was way before this saw though. He says they had a couple of good saws. I've been want to get it running again.

Here are a few pics that I have of my 203 Poulan. Its pretty obvious this saw HAD the PowerSharp feature at one time. :D




Here are a few pics that I have of my 203 Poulan. Its pretty obvious this saw HAD the PowerSharp feature at one time. :D




That's a nice looking saw, how do u tell if it had the power sharpener on it.
Are they easy saws to work on?
That's a nice looking saw, how do u tell if it had the power sharpener on it.
Are they easy saws to work on?

The pic of the right side, the clutch cover. Someone, not me, has put a plate over where the PS knob and button would have been. They were usually , eventually done away with, discarded whatever. Then the holes covered up.

These saws are not my cup of tea, so to speak. They aren't bad to work on, I just never took a shine to them. The more common, and later 306 also. Basically the same saw. Not sure if piston rings etc. for 306 will work in the 202 or not? I'm gonna say yes, unless someone else can chime in other wise. :confused: Both are 59cc I believe.

I'm gonna say that someone tried to bypass the main do-all switch on your 202 also, with a simple on/off switch.
Them saw's button up on the handle was the ignition/throttle lock/decomp switch all in one. Those saws never had a switch on the left side like that. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure of that...LOL

The pic of the right side, the clutch cover. Someone, not me, has put a plate over where the PS knob and button would have been. They were usually , eventually done away with, discarded whatever. Then the holes covered up.

These saws are not my cup of tea, so to speak. They aren't bad to work on, I just never took a shine to them. The more common, and later 306 also. Basically the same saw. Not sure if piston rings etc. for 306 will work in the 202 or not? I'm gonna say yes, unless someone else can chime in other wise. :confused: Both are 59cc I believe.

Thanks now I know saw a pic with one on it
Nice clean looking heard of Poulans you have there!! Now you just need to add a few of the larger models. :D

Ya, I know.... My next search is for a 4200 or larger. Garage sale and flea market season is just around the corner. Who knows what I might find.
Maybe Nate will release one of his 5200's to a man in need.
I'm gonna say that someone tried to bypass the main do-all switch on your 202 also, with a simple on/off switch.
Them saw's button up on the handle was the ignition/throttle lock/decomp switch all in one. Those saws never had a switch on the left side like that. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure of that...LOL

I believe mine does have the do all switch on handle, and not a toggle on off switch. Thanks
Ya, I know.... My next search is for a 4200 or larger. Garage sale and flea market season is just around the corner. Who knows what I might find.
Maybe Nate will release one of his 5200's to a man in need.

Getting a man to "release" one of those is asking a lot! :D
All I would find at garage sales around here is baby clothes & weed eaters. :(
The guy we have to get to release some saws is GuidoSalvage...He has a boat load of saws I wouldn't might having. Gary has more 5200's & 655 PPros than is fair. I have to hand it to him though, he works and scours the whole country for them.

Getting a man to "release" one of those is asking a lot! :D
All I would find at garage sales around here is baby clothes & weed eaters. :(
The guy we have to get to release some saws is GuidoSalvage...He has a boat load of saws I wouldn't might having. Gary has more 5200's & 655 PPros than is fair. I have to hand it to him though, he works and scours the whole country for them.

I'll find something bigger in time. I have plenty of saws in comparison to how much I cut. The 3.3 and 3400 are perfect for firewood at camp. I'm in no hurry.
Ya, I know.... My next search is for a 4200 or larger. Garage sale and flea market season is just around the corner. Who knows what I might find.
Maybe Nate will release one of his 5200's to a man in need.

Everything has a price I suppose:) Heck I haven't even had a chance to really cut with either of them yet!
I can agree with both you guys. My "want to" is always bigger than my "need to";) But, with that being said, they made them big saws and I want/need one, or two just in case I need them. LOL

Although I have used a 4200 & 5200 quite a bit. The sound that fills the woods is like music to me. In fact, I seldom wear hearing protection while in the woods cutting. Except if at a GTG and there is a 71A being run. Then I run for the ear muffs like a baby. :eek:

I can agree with both you guys. My "want to" is always bigger than my "need to";) But, with that being said, they made them big saws and I want/need one, or two just in case I need them. LOL

Although I have used a 4200 & 5200 quite a bit. The sound that fills the woods is like music to me. In fact, I seldom wear hearing protection while in the woods cutting. Except if at a GTG and there is a 71A being run. Then I run for the ear muffs like a baby. :eek:


I hear ya Gregg, I've got the 2 5200's and a line on another one that I think I'm going to pick up in a couple weeks for $100. Sure, I don't "need" it, but I do "want" it:)
I usually don't wear hearing protection when cutting either, but after hearing my 245A, I probably will when using that one, it's louder than any of my saws.
I hear ya Gregg, I've got the 2 5200's and a line on another one that I think I'm going to pick up in a couple weeks for $100. Sure, I don't "need" it, but I do "want" it:)
I usually don't wear hearing protection when cutting either, but after hearing my 245A, I probably will when using that one, it's louder than any of my saws.

I know what ya mean about the 245A. I have used mine several times as a work saw, and they have a higher pitched, old school bark to them as opposed to a 5200. I guess it might be because of the horizontal engine, with the fairly small muffler at the back, right next to your hand & face maybe.

I realize that one should wear hearing protection while running a saw, but I like to hear what my saw is telling me while workin with it. You can with hearing protection too, just not the same for me. Only time I really wear the hearing muffs is when milling. Running a 385xp with muffler mod wide open for long cuts like that are hard on the ears. That, and I been wearing them at GTG's more it seems also. All kinds of loud saws running all day, in one small area.

I will never forget the first time I ran ModifiedMark's 71A. Watching someone run one of those is entirely different than when you are on the saw. My ears literally hurt before I could get through that first cut. I now never go near one without hearing protection...LOL I learn real quick on some things.

They are your ears, you may do what you please, but be advised that hearing loss is cumulative and irreversible. Your quality of life will suffer as your hearing degrades over time. A pocket full of 15 cent ear plugs is a small inconvenience to put up with. I am 65 and still enjoy my Grundig tube stereo radio even after years of chainsaws and motorcycles and many hours at the target range....... :innocent:

That's a good point and I do have access to ear plugs, so might as well use em.

Your saw was built in either 1968 or 1969 as that was the only two years that model was made. It went on the next year to become the 306A.

That means a lot of 306A parts are the same as what is on your saw.

The main difference is the so called do it all switch, the ign coil, left side case half (with smaller crank seal ) and a few other little things.

Your picture shows the old style clutch. My 203 has that like that with only 4 shoes but some others came with 6. The early 306 used the same clutch with 6 shoes then switched to the 360 degree 3 shoe clutch with the flat springs.

Your saw is well used but it can live again. We here can help you with it if you really want to do that. That saw needs to come apart much more, the foam seal between the tank and crankcase is probably deteriorated and you will want to replace most the rubber parts on the saw, crank seals, fuel lines etc.

You need to check the plating on the cyl very closely to make sure its not scored and flaking.

A few scores on the piston won't actually hurt anything. Start doing your research, there is a lot of info in this Poulan thread alone if you can find it.

Parts are out there if you do some digging as like I said most 306/245 parts can be used on it.
I know what ya mean about the 245A. I have used mine several times as a work saw, and they have a higher pitched, old school bark to them as opposed to a 5200. I guess it might be because of the horizontal engine, with the fairly small muffler at the back, right next to your hand & face maybe.

I realize that one should wear hearing protection while running a saw, but I like to hear what my saw is telling me while workin with it. You can with hearing protection too, just not the same for me. Only time I really wear the hearing muffs is when milling. Running a 385xp with muffler mod wide open for long cuts like that are hard on the ears. That, and I been wearing them at GTG's more it seems also. All kinds of loud saws running all day, in one small area.

I will never forget the first time I ran ModifiedMark's 71A. Watching someone run one of those is entirely different than when you are on the saw. My ears literally hurt before I could get through that first cut. I now never go near one without hearing protection...LOL I learn real quick on some things.

I have to here the sweet 2-cycle music once in a while , but, usually use muffs if doing more that a few cuts. I like muffs 'cause they are easy on and off, don't have to look for if dropped, someone else can use if need be and can have the left ear 1/2 covered for whatever reason.
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Your saw was built in either 1968 or 1969 as that was the only two years that model was made. It went on the next year to become the 306A.

That means a lot of 306A parts are the same as what is on your saw.

The main difference is the so called do it all switch, the ign coil, left side case half (with smaller crank seal ) and a few other little things.

Your picture shows the old style clutch. My 203 has that like that with only 4 shoes but some others came with 6. The early 306 used the same clutch with 6 shoes then switched to the 360 degree 3 shoe clutch with the flat springs.

Your saw is well used but it can live again. We here can help you with it if you really want to do that. That saw needs to come apart much more, the foam seal between the tank and crankcase is probably deteriorated and you will want to replace most the rubber parts on the saw, crank seals, fuel lines etc.

You need to check the plating on the cyl very closely to make sure its not scored and flaking.

A few scores on the piston won't actually hurt anything. Start doing your research, there is a lot of info in this Poulan thread alone if you can find it.

Parts are out there if you do some digging as like I said most 306/245 parts can be used on it.

Thanks Mark that helps out a lot. I've been goin through the trend a good bit, and I have found a lot of useful infoinformation.
I've been looking at the saw and it don't look like it will be to hard to get apart.
I got a question for u if u look through exhaust side of cylender,there is a grove in the cylinder is that suppose to be there?It doesn't go upinto the upper part of cylender.

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