I need an ignition module for a 5200 poulan, anyone have a worn out countervibe with a spark?
Did you try Scott/Chainsawr.com for one? He is a good guy and maybe worth a try.
I need an ignition module for a 5200 poulan, anyone have a worn out countervibe with a spark?
Hi ya'll, I already own a Poulan P3314 (cute little thing) I bought for light yard work and firewood. My next door neighbor is moving and gave me his Poulan 2375 LE Wild Thing because it doesn't run anymore. About five minutes is all it took me to get it running! Only runs on choke so I guess a carb cleanout is in my future. Looks like a fairly low hour machine and I love the purple covers!Also gave me an Echo trimmer with a "bad carb" that was laying in the field behind his shop. It had been laying back there for 3 years and we had to rip it out of the overgrown vegetation. I found a split fuel hose and after replacing that it fired on the 3rd pull and runs like a new Rolls Royce
After laying outside in the weather for 3 years and only replacing the fuel line and it starting in three pulls, running like a Rolls Royce. You should contact Echo for a testimony. You may become rich and famous LOL. I have had great luck with their products
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Gonna be here in a few. Nothing "super" but very cool...
Sunfish thanks for another testimony to the durability to those 3400's. There good saws but yes they do perk up with a muffler mod for sure.Below is my old 3400, bought in late 80s' and was my main firewood saw until 2001, 10-15 cords a year. Needs a good cleaning, air filter and maybe a spark plug, it's original, LOL. Don't remember ever replacing the gas line either. Still runs good and never a problem with it. The little Husky is a good bit lighter and cuts twice as fast. Any way to get more out of the 3400? Muffler mod, or? Anybody know what CC the 3400 is?
My first saw was a Poulan 245 I got in the late 70s' when I starting selling wood. Cut a bunch of wood with that one, and it was running fine when I sold it a few years ago. Kind of wish I'd have kept it, but it was heavy and would rattle your teeth.
Thanks for lookin,
Any way to get more out of the 3400? Muffler mod, or? Anybody know what CC the 3400 is?
wow you are living large, a couple of real good saws. I think a couple of guys here can give you information about getting a little more out of the old 3400 but if it was mine I would just enjoy it for the loyal companion it has been and I would probably reach for that pretty little orange saw most of the time and use the 3400 to cut my way out when I get the new one hung up.
the 3400 is a 3.4 cubic inch saw, 56cc
Sunfish thanks for another testimony to the durability to those 3400's. There good saws but yes they do perk up with a muffler mod for sure.
I kinda sniker at your comment on the 245 being heavy so it was replaced with a 3400! Yeah theres no antivibe on the 245 but it was actually a bit lighter then the 3400 especially when you consider the displacement difference
I know that for a fact.
Parrisw, that NIB 2000 is very cool, man!!!
Wow, I would have guessed heavier on the 245. What cc is the 245? My old 245 seemed to have more motor than the 3400. They are tough old saws, for sure.
the box
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