Nik's Poulan Thread

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This one has no bucking spikes.

I took some pics, but will not be able to post them up until tomorrow. It's getting late and I have to work tomorrow. :cry:

Thanks for all of the comments!

Here is pic I posted some time ago, don't know if its a diffinitive answer or not, but has been my experiance anyway, so far. The piston on the right is chromed and with thick rings, from 3400. The left is non-chromed thin rings from 3700. And to my knowledge, the 4000 same as the 3700. My running saws are the same way. For what its worth, my 3400 that I bought new back in 1985, had no bucking spike either. But, it wears one now after a friend gave me one about 15 years ago. So, ya might pull the muffler, and look at the piston, might give a clue to what saw it is for sure.


Here is pic I posted some time ago, don't know if its a diffinitive answer or not, but has been my experiance anyway, so far. The piston on the right is chromed and with thick rings, from 3400. The left is non-chromed thin rings from 3700. And to my knowledge, the 4000 same as the 3700. My running saws are the same way. For what its worth, my 3400 that I bought new back in 1985, had no bucking spike either. But, it wears one now after a friend gave me one about 15 years ago. So, ya might pull the muffler, and look at the piston, might give a clue to what saw it is for sure.



Gregg, I've got an exception to the thin ring theory. Have two 3700's with the thick rings. Problem is I can't find replacements. All I get are thin rings. As a result they are sitting and waiting.
Well, That shoots my theory all to pieces! LOL I guess the only true way to tell is measuring them. The 3700 piston in that photo was from the Craftsman version of the 3700. Don't know if the green Poulan version would be diferen't or not. I wouldn't think so, but ya never know.

I will try and get to it soon to observe the rings and measure the piston as best as I can.

My Clymer manual (which is at home) may have the info, but what are the 2 measurements for the 3400 and 3700 pistons?


Well, That shoots my theory all to pieces! LOL I guess the only true way to tell is measuring them. The 3700 piston in that photo was from the Craftsman version of the 3700. Don't know if the green Poulan version would be diferen't or not. I wouldn't think so, but ya never know.


No. My Craftsman 3700 needs thick rings. Wonder if rings changed in later years( or maybe earlier models)
Gregg, I've got an exception to the thin ring theory. Have two 3700's with the thick rings. Problem is I can't find replacements. All I get are thin rings. As a result they are sitting and waiting.

Bob, I could use a set of those thin rings for a 3.7 Craftsman if you want to part with them. (# 530024756) PM me with price.

No. My Craftsman 3700 needs thick rings. Wonder if rings changed in later years( or maybe earlier models)

Working on these old Poulans sort of reminds me of working on old Fords. Sometimes they pulled whatever they had off the shelf at the time to get the cars on the road. That made part numbers somewhat inconsistent.

I've got four smaller saws here that were all manufactured by Poulan.
S23 Arbor Pro
Husky 23C
The IPL's show the same piston kit for all four, part 530069552.
All but one of them have double compression rings, the S23, it has a single thicker ring. All but the PP180 show the same cylinder. And finally, all but the PP225 show the same ring #. Any wonder I can't figure out what I'm going to get when I order something. :dizzy:
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Working on these old Poulans sort of reminds me of working on old Fords. Sometimes they pulled whatever they had off the shelf at the time to get the cars on the road. That made part numbers somewhat inconsistent.

I've got four smaller saws here that were all manufactured by Poulan.
S23 Arbor Pro
Husky 23C
The IPL's show the same piston kit for all four, part 530069552.
All but one of them have double compression rings, the S23, it has a single thicker ring. All but the PP180 show the same cylinder. And finally, all but the PP225 show the same ring #. Any wonder I can't figure out what I'm going to get when I order something. :dizzy:

Thats kinda the same thing with the old Ford N tractors. They made alot of changes on things through the years. You have a certain year that should have later parts on it, but they just kept using the old parts till supply ran out then changed. So there is conflicting issues with what a certain tractor has, or doesn't have, that should! LOL Im sure its the same with these saw manufactures. Makes life more interesting I suppose.:)

No. My Craftsman 3700 needs thick rings. Wonder if rings changed in later years( or maybe earlier models)

Bob, Your welcome to have the 3700 piston in that photo if you want it. Doesn't really look that bad. The saw it came from was dented pretty bad in the bottom of the case, and broken rear handle mount. When I tried a compression ck on it, I could only get 30lbs. and it would leak down faster than I could crank it. So it had bigger problems. With that piston, you at least have one to fit your 2 thin ring sets. LOL:dizzy:

My theory on the Poulan saws from a manufacturing perspective is,
You got whatever piston, rings, top cover, AV setup etc. that Poulan could get the best price on that week, month, etc.

I have seen early production 3400s with thick and thin rings as well as late production. The same for 3700s and 4000s.

I have seen slotted as well as solid top covers on the 3400 and 3700 that were supposedly bought that way new.

Same for AV mounts, hand guards, bucking dawgs and have heard the same said about choke knobs. Some are round and some are flat.

I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that some of the 3700s were sold as 3400s to keep from "missing a truck".

Stick 3400 labels on them and ship them.

Bob, Your welcome to have the 3700 piston in that photo if you want it. Doesn't really look that bad. The saw it came from was dented pretty bad in the bottom of the case, and broken rear handle mount. When I tried a compression ck on it, I could only get 30lbs. and it would leak down faster than I could crank it. So it had bigger problems. With that piston, you at least have one to fit your 2 thin ring sets. LOL:dizzy:


Not a bad suggestion at all. Thanks. BTW, sent you a PM
Just out of curiosity Bob, Whats the measurment of the 4000? I'm guessing 50mm. maybe? I oughta write this stuff down for future reference.


Gregg, wouldn't you believe that I just tossed a bad 4000 piston. However as I recall it was 49mm or 50 mm. Also wished I had written it down before trashing.
Poulan 3000 air filter

Anyone know where I can get an air filter for my 3000 project saw? They don't make them anymore and all my sources say " sorry". Also have a .PP305 that needs the same filter. When filters are no longer available, what do you guys do? Also what can be done to fix small tears in filter? Some kind of strong tape, maybe?
Poulan 3000 Air Filters

I Have (2) New 530-010855 Air Filters If This Is The Right One.
Also Have Some Other 3000 Parts If Your Interested.
I Will PM You A List

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