Not a bad idea. Will look into
Let me know what you end up with and how the color match's. I have a couple of Daytons here also.
Not a bad idea. Will look into
Yes but don't use the so called oil based enamal from Valspar. I used some in safety yellow on a Mac and watched as the paint ran off of it after some gas was spilled on it.
Did you put the hardener in it???
Yes but don't use the so called oil based enamal from Valspar. I used some in safety yellow on a Mac and watched as the paint ran off of it after some gas was spilled on it.
Picked up a can of Valspar Tractor and implement enamel paint in Allis Chalmers Orange. Read label but it doesn't specity if its oil or water based. No Ace Hardware near me so I settled for Valspar. Will let you know how it turns out and may even test a piece by exposing painted surface to gas.
what' s the ring end gap for a poulan 4000 ? the old rings are the thin .63mm thick ones and have like .080" end gap !? the piston is 49mm dia. does that sound right ? the pins look the same thickness as the rings and are almost flush with the piston , so no notching. are these the wrong rings ?
i checked the ring pins and they are about .050 " dia. so maybe the end gap isn't so bad after all . iv'e got new rings coming so we'll see. i read somewhere the rule of thumb was .003" of end gap per inch of piston dia.? on notched end rings it seems the gap is tighter. the pins are about 90 degrees apart on either side of the intake port of the piston. seems like a short path to lost compression.?
No it was in a rattle can. If I'm going though the trouble to get out the spray gun it will be spraying automotive acrylic enamal.
sounds good. i'll try your thin base gasket mod. and go with what i get with the new rings. the bore looks pretty clean.
i got an intertec manual from the library, as i'm putting in new seals and bearings.they refer to a 'bearing locator tool',uh oh, i wasn't paying attention when i took out the good bearing. is this something i can make? where do the bearings need to be set ? i also got new thrust washers. seems like the three oil grooves are deeper on the clutch side than the flywheel side. is that right ? it looks like the stepped side of the washer blocks the oil grooves on the flywheel side. that bearing moved outboard and pushed the seal out. i got some green loctite to keep that from happening again.
that's what i needed, how deep to set them. i was refering to the 3 indents cast into the crankcase halves around the main bearing holes.they look like oil ways to me. i was concerned about fuel mix getting by the thrust washers & into the main bearings.
i can see on the old thrust washers where they were in contact with the main bearings. sounds like a good tip on the seals.
i like this saw, wanna hear it run! will keep you posted. thanks !
Bob, did you ever get that oiler fixed?
Anyone know the ring gap and crankshaft end play specs for a micro 25?
I'm hearing more and more about ring gap and its something I don't even consider. I presume if you get the correct rings you're good to go. Not like a car or truck engine. As far as end play. a little in/out play is fine. A lot of Poulans have some. Its radial play(side to side) you don't want.