Wow that is more than I expected. I don't know why you seem to have such an attitude towards me but I will tell you that I don't like it much. I don't know Mitch or many of the guys here but I did notice that he never answered your question.
O.K. I wanted to know how he got that high of a compression reading also. Other than the method I mentioned the only other way I know of would be to add to the piston crown or add material to the combustion chamber. If you have another explanation I would sure be happy to hear of it.
As far as me calling you out, that is not going to happen. It is your attidude that puts you in that frame of mind.
Now tell me about the 200 pound compression ratio on the clam shell saw without having the deck lowered and the mains rebored. It would be nice if you shared that with us.
You want me to tell you? Do you think I owe that to you? No I don't.
The reason you didn't see a reply from Mitch in this thread is he got ahold of me privatly, so in fact he did reply to my question.
Now if he wants to tell you, that's his business.
I don't like your attitude ordering me to explain that to you.