Tree Freak
Authoritative cross reference?
OK, I am officially juiced now. Just started going through that wad of saws I got the other day and already got a near runner out of two poulans by swapping parts. These are my first poulans ever and they look dang near similar to my huskys.
I got a pp295 (I need another small to midrange rear handle runner) that needed a starter cover and pawl, took the one off the 2900, (that one has a busted non existent handle so it is official parts saw), and it fit great. Dumped out the old crud mix, pulled the plug, put a smidgen of a capfull of fresh mix in there, yanked 'er, vroom! One of the pawls is bent on the flywheel for that 295 (proly why it tore up the starter in the first place), so will the flywheel off the 2900 fit? Maybe, then I need to research how to get them things off...
See, now I have these questions I would rather know the answer to before I start stripping them down. A first for me mixing and matching with saws.
The 295 needs full complete cleaning, but looks promising, that is for sure the one I will be focusing on now. And certainly easier to disassemble than this little mac I bought, threw that right in a junk box. I'll get to the homies later, one is real neat, the ez automatic, but not sure if I want to start on those, think I'll stick to the poulans as I have husky brain from looking at parts before, and they look the closest to good runners to me.
All what I can see so far looks just like my huskys as well, so maybe I can scrounge more, for instance I need an oiler assembly or at least a better oiler plunger dealie with better teeth for my husky 137, and a guide plate.... ya I know that stuff is cheap, but if I can mix and match for free now....I am at poverty level (officially) and need to maximize my "investment" here with these junk saws . (they all came from a "don't wanna fix em, customer gagging at estimated repair bill" pile at a dealers. They really only like working on high end stuff there...don't bother me, I'll run low end if it works..). Me, working for free, it don't matter, I got WAY more time than money...
So, before I start making more of a mess with parts all over, I would like to find *the* authoritative parts cross reference guide, if such a thing exists. The 2000 tophandle also looks to be close, first inspection shows just the fuel line off inside the tank, and the 1800 has a scored piston, so can I use those 1800 parts? Those sort of questions..
So I would like to find the authoritative Poulan to poulan to husky to whatever guide, if such a thing exists. Thanks in advance guys!
Oh ya, the remington electric I got with the pile...nuthin wrong with it! I know what proly happened, it has a straight basic gravity fed oiling system. I bet it leaked all over heck when joe homeowner put it away and the owner wanted it "fixed". There ain't no fixing, ya gots to drain any unused oil back out when done using it. Bah....and the rakers on the chain are almost exactly the same height as the cutters, which are sharp but the things just throws dust. Fix that with a flat file and it will be spiffy for my "branches in the yard and whoops this piece of wood is a scosh too big for the stove" saw.
Ya, this is kinda fun...
OK, I am officially juiced now. Just started going through that wad of saws I got the other day and already got a near runner out of two poulans by swapping parts. These are my first poulans ever and they look dang near similar to my huskys.
I got a pp295 (I need another small to midrange rear handle runner) that needed a starter cover and pawl, took the one off the 2900, (that one has a busted non existent handle so it is official parts saw), and it fit great. Dumped out the old crud mix, pulled the plug, put a smidgen of a capfull of fresh mix in there, yanked 'er, vroom! One of the pawls is bent on the flywheel for that 295 (proly why it tore up the starter in the first place), so will the flywheel off the 2900 fit? Maybe, then I need to research how to get them things off...
See, now I have these questions I would rather know the answer to before I start stripping them down. A first for me mixing and matching with saws.
The 295 needs full complete cleaning, but looks promising, that is for sure the one I will be focusing on now. And certainly easier to disassemble than this little mac I bought, threw that right in a junk box. I'll get to the homies later, one is real neat, the ez automatic, but not sure if I want to start on those, think I'll stick to the poulans as I have husky brain from looking at parts before, and they look the closest to good runners to me.
All what I can see so far looks just like my huskys as well, so maybe I can scrounge more, for instance I need an oiler assembly or at least a better oiler plunger dealie with better teeth for my husky 137, and a guide plate.... ya I know that stuff is cheap, but if I can mix and match for free now....I am at poverty level (officially) and need to maximize my "investment" here with these junk saws . (they all came from a "don't wanna fix em, customer gagging at estimated repair bill" pile at a dealers. They really only like working on high end stuff there...don't bother me, I'll run low end if it works..). Me, working for free, it don't matter, I got WAY more time than money...
So, before I start making more of a mess with parts all over, I would like to find *the* authoritative parts cross reference guide, if such a thing exists. The 2000 tophandle also looks to be close, first inspection shows just the fuel line off inside the tank, and the 1800 has a scored piston, so can I use those 1800 parts? Those sort of questions..
So I would like to find the authoritative Poulan to poulan to husky to whatever guide, if such a thing exists. Thanks in advance guys!
Oh ya, the remington electric I got with the pile...nuthin wrong with it! I know what proly happened, it has a straight basic gravity fed oiling system. I bet it leaked all over heck when joe homeowner put it away and the owner wanted it "fixed". There ain't no fixing, ya gots to drain any unused oil back out when done using it. Bah....and the rakers on the chain are almost exactly the same height as the cutters, which are sharp but the things just throws dust. Fix that with a flat file and it will be spiffy for my "branches in the yard and whoops this piece of wood is a scosh too big for the stove" saw.
Ya, this is kinda fun...