Nik's Poulan Thread

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Greg that thing is in good shape.

Thing is it does have a compression release. It is incorperated into the throttle lock as well. Look right above the muffler and you will see it there. This setup is not the best out there.

Look closely at the fuel cap again will you? Is there not a big rubber flap in it? Kinda like a very big duckbill, I think mine has that.

Also please tell me what model # the HS carb is on it.

Is it running yet?

I think your right, that the comp release is working. I figured something was missing, cause of the hole in the plate above it. It pulls very easy when starting. It starts very well!!! I was amazed. There is a rod type gizmo that sticks up through the spring, but doesn't go all the way up. Had me stumped.

The carb is a HS59A. The fuel cap has the round flap style vent, as you say.
Must have been the early version of the duck bill. LOL Not sure what these are called. The muffler is a little louder than most 306's I have also. There is nothing inside, no screen or baffles at all. Just the two posts that hold it on.
Cool looking old saw, Gregg! Great one to add to your collection. :cheers:

Thanks Steve! I think I'm gonna have to give up the pursuit of old Poulans for a while, or I'll be needing to apply for a Government bailout, kinda like GM did.:help: These things are like potato chips, you can't eat just one.
Not sure if this was the cause or makes sense, but after several attempts to obtain spark and testing with my ohm meter I thought that the coil wasn't grounded. I removed the coil retaining screws and cleaned them out. Replaced the coil and srews, checked with my Ohm meter and got a constant reading. Replaced the recoil and voila I had spark. What gave me the grounding idea was my local Stihl dealer told me to remove the ground wire from the coil and see if I had spark. Seeing as how there is no ground wire on the coil I assumed something had to provide ground. Only means I could see was the screws. Am I all wet? However it did work .

Thats good to know Bob! I havn't had that problem YET with one of those saws. I guess it probably helps to just dismantle everything from the get go, and clean them well.

The last 3 saws I got were Craigslist find. 2 306's & a 203. Offered the guy $100 for all Three. The rest is history. LOL The only saws I ever bought off C-List.
Well, heres the last of 3 saws I recently acquired. This is a model 203, basically the same as a 306. 59cc, suppose to have the Power Sharp & compression release, both unfortunately missing. There are a few things on this, that are a little different also.

First off, and I didn't even notice it when I got these saws, is the lack of the usual on/off switch at the back of the case. This one is incorporated into the throttle lock button on top. Back position is run and forward to stop. Push down and forward to use lock to start.

Has a points ignition, with a yellow coil, and a smaller gauge plug wire. A few minor things also, like a different style fuel cap, no duckbill, the choke knob is a little different also.







Gregg, that 203 is fine. Me and a bud have been mixing up some powder for powder coating that matches the Poulan color to a Tee. I'll post up some pics soon. I'm liking it.
My Poulan Family Picture

Had a burst of spring fever I guess you would call it today, with the nicer weather. Thought I'd drag the Poulans out for a group pic. Turned out to be work....This all started several years ago when I was looking for some spare 3400 parts...LOL







How does one acquire a blue Poulan, whats the story there, Gregg?

LOL, Jeff, Those are rare and never seen.:dizzy: Couple years ago I had goofy streak where I wanted to paint several of my saws in the colors of Ford & New Holland tractors, etc. Thats what I used in farming. Just a hairbrain idea.

Nice collection of saws. I did a Poulan picture some time last year but think I have picked up about 10 more since then.



Not all my saws are here at the house, but I may just drag the Poulans I do have here out for a picture today. Maybe I will use the Cockshutt 20 as a backdrop.

Nice collection of saws. I did a Poulan picture some time last year but think I have picked up about 10 more since then.

Not all my saws are here at the house, but I may just drag the Poulans I do have here out for a picture today. Maybe I will use the Cockshutt 20 as a backdrop.

Nice pile you got going there!!:bowdown: I tell ya..Its a sickness
Heres some I took a while back, I have a vew new additions since then.

<a href<a href=";current=saws654.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>=";current=saws655.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Project for when I get home

I was gonna send this CVA to Brad, then I went thu it and found it had low compression, and a broken ring. The fuel line needs to be replaced and one of the av's is toast. I cant send a saw like that so I decided to rebuild it. Hopefully the cyl isnt scored, the piston looks good through the port. Im gonna tear it down and give it the works. I am ordering rings and I have a gasket/seal set for it. Whats weird is I used this saw 2 months ago and it ran great I cut a bunch of maple with it.
<a href=";current=SummerFall2010202.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
What size fuel lines are on the 361??? They look quite large??
You guys posting those Poulan family photos are sick, who would want or need that many old Poulans. :hmm3grin2orange:

Sad part is after you guys posted them I got to thinking how many I had and I couldn't remember so I had to go and count them. I think the damn things are mulitplying out there.:bang:
Had a burst of spring fever I guess you would call it today, with the nicer weather. Thought I'd drag the Poulans out for a group pic. Turned out to be work....This all started several years ago when I was looking for some spare 3400 parts...LOL








I know the feeling all too well Gregg. I'm up to 31 saws.
Wife thinks I'm nuts

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