Nik's Poulan Thread

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Thanks Mark, a muffler mod is on the short list. I'm going to mod another one and do a field test comparison. What's the part # of that deflector you guys use? I'm going to try that route this time. I was just noticing that bar looks a little to small. I've got a nice 22 or 24" I'm going to throw on there instead. Back to the shop.

Nice looking saw, I bet your ears will be bleeding!


If your talking the Husky deflector, I'm not sure. I have only made my own.
That thing looks sweet! Glad you got it going!
Thanks Longbar, I haven't got it going yet. I'm sure 6 or 7 pulls and she'll be off to the races.

no part number needed, just open it up on the left side with some cutting and punching it out to make a deflector, there are some good pictures here somewhere....Or you could do M.M. treatment and weld on a discharge pipe similar to the 4200-5200 series...:)

If your talking the Husky deflector, I'm not sure. I have only made my own.

I've made a piped one before, but I liked the look of the deflector. I'll dig back for that husky number. I thought someone posted that number in this thread not to long ago.

The search function worked, found those husky numbers.
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Got the bar and chain finished up on the 71-A. Its GTG ready now!

I have to thank Jermey for hooking me up with a .058 .404 chain to fit this roller nosed bar that is a .058 gauge.

Believe it or not the chain looks new and was the perfect 71DL that was needed for this.

I did put a .404 x 8 sproket on it for a little more chain speed and I think the ole 71-A will take it and run with it.

The original 30" Poulan hardnose bar is put up for safe keeping now.


Ahh! The old 71Automatic hearing mangler is looking real sporty Mark.:msp_biggrin: I love that saw!

(I won't give your drivel additional exposure by quoting it, just wanted you to know the post I'm referring to!)

Mark is one of the most respected members of this site.
He is a walking encyclopedia of information that we is willing and eager to share.
He is one of the best saw mechanics most of us have ever seen and he will bend over backward to help those in need.

You, on the other hand, have done little since stumbling in here except buzz around like a housefly annoying people and "whine and complain" because your saw was hard to find parts for and we wouldn't send you what we had on hand.

Mark and I (as well as a lot of others here) consider Rodney a good friend and were HIGHLY offended when you unjustly attacked him in an open forum for having a life beyond dealing with you.

When an outsider (you) attempts to join an established group there is always a period of "sizing up" that the newbie has to undergo. A period of "show us what you are about" if you will.
You didn't fare too well in that department around here, and you aren't helping yourself any by attempting to chastise one of the core members of the group.

You wouldn't be the first member here to overcome "starting out on the wrong foot" but respect is something you have to earn, and you don't do that by;

Complaining about parts availability on a 30 year old saw.
Whining because you can't find what you need.
Crying because people who don't know you, won't share their hard earned parts supply.
Not taking advantage of the hints and tips others provide you.
Attacking proven members for not working around YOUR schedule.
Claiming to know where the Holy Grail is, but not producing it or producing evidence of it.
Interjecting "iffy at best" advice.
Chastising our valued members.

If you really want to be a part of this group, drop the attitude of self importance and start working to earn the respect of the group instead of demanding it and crying because you don't get it.


Excellent post Mike.:rock: I agree also with Mark. You have the unique gift and ability to put into words thoughts on subjects such as this, most of us don't.

But I still think ya talk funny!:hmm3grin2orange:
Excellent post Mike.:rock: I agree also with Mark. You have the unique gift and ability to put into words thoughts on subjects such as this, most of us don't.

But I still think ya talk funny!:hmm3grin2orange:

He does don't he????? :D
I'd feel a lot better if Steve would post....

Me too, I'll try to call him in the morning!

Everything's fine here. Did some blowing & spitting here with some isolated local damage, but the worst of it seems to be to the east over around the Raleigh area about 60 miles from here. Thanks for your concern though. :msp_thumbup:
Everything's fine here. Did some blowing & spitting here with some isolated local damage, but the worst of it seems to be to the east over around the Raleigh area about 60 miles from here. Thanks for your concern though. :msp_thumbup:

Good thing you posted!
Your phone was going to start ringing off the hook soon!LOL
Glad youall are alright.
