Nice 3800 there, Stephen! :msp_thumbup: Are you sure there's no ulterior motive for your reminding this "good looking gal" that she has your phone number? 
Actually she told me that.....I miss stated that in my origional post. I have been married for 40 years I don't see anything happening...but one never our age I or my wife could kick off at any moment......good looking young gal that likes running chainsaws.....:msp_ohmy: got to keep all options open:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
We're gettin' closer here .... wonder how she is with (1) an arc welder (2) driving a tractor and (3) cooking up a pot roast .... :msp_biggrin::msp_biggrin::msp_biggrin:
I do the welding here, and that is the way it is.
So it would be Ok if she drove a tractor to bring you a good pot roast? :hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
Do any of you guys know what the difference is other than paint between a Craftsman 3.7 and a Poulan 3800?
Title says it all.
I cannot find a pair of rings for my S25DA. Part # (530029391)
Tried four places now...only to have them call or email me back saying the part is NLA. :bang:
I have a new piston, cylinder and all gaskets coming, but obviously I am dead in the water without rings.
Anyone have a source for rings or have a pair they are willing to sell.
Thanks guys,
so do I have a chrome cylinder or a chrome piston:msp_ohmy:
so do I have a chrome cylinder or a chrome piston:msp_ohmy:
I googled it with no luck... anyone know what a 358.352020 Craftsman is?
bump. these craftsmans are usually poulans but I can't find info on this one.
bump. these craftsmans are usually poulans but I can't find info on this one.
...I think I have derailed this chainsaw thread...back on track. Do any of you guys know what the difference is other than paint between a Craftsman 3.7 and a Poulan 3800?
so do I have a chrome cylinder or a chrome piston:msp_ohmy:
Actually she told me that.....I miss stated that in my origional post. I have been married for 40 years I don't see anything happening...but one never our age I or my wife could kick off at any moment......good looking young gal that likes running chainsaws.....:msp_ohmy: got to keep all options open:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
and if something should happen to me, my wife has a barn full of boy toys to get rid of, perhaps she would meet someone she likes in the process ...I would hope so. I don't think either one of use would enjoy living alone much.
It's an old Craftsman 2.0 with a 10" bar, basically a Poulan Micro XXV, or 2000
We're gettin' closer here .... wonder how she is with (1) an arc welder (2) driving a tractor and (3) cooking up a pot roast .... :msp_biggrin::msp_biggrin::msp_biggrin:
I was lucky enough to use my PP335 this weekend, I got a tank thru it and adjusted the carb a bit. I am very pleased with the performance of this saw, even more so considering the saw was used commercially then left under a tarp on a plile of other saws for who knows how long! Plenty of power to pull the 20" combo. I missed out on the PP330s but this saw fills the void nicely. I still have to do a compression test.