I have been working on my Poulan 306A for about a month now (put a used P&C on it) and then modified mark helped me with a gasket issue and I made the gasket today, put it together and set the carb 1-1/4 H--3/4L just like you all have instructed me so well on, put gas and oil in it and pulled it about 5 times and it popped, turned the choke off and pulled one more time and it started and idled and cut like I think new must have been. piece of cake. it was really fun and a good learning experience, especially because it turned out so well.

But I came away with one other thing from this project. CAD I almost bought another one last night and cant wait till my next good project saw comes along. All I do is either, look at them on ebay or hang out in the garage looking at them or just messing around with them and thinking about things like, How would my saws run modded? or how many more saws could I fit on the shelf? how about another shelf? or even, Man I could sharpen them again I used them to cut that branch up in the yard. the list goes on and on.
Thanks to everyone on this site, because weather you know it or not, all of the members in this site and all the forums I have been on in here have been a great help to me.
Thanks, Nick
P.S. I hope to have pistures up on the site tonight or tomorrow. And maybe a video if I can figure it out.