Nik's Poulan Thread

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Hey Mark, that tiny 91 chain takes a 5/32" diameter file for sharpening. Sounds like you just need to clean out the gullets. You want 1/5 of the file diameter above the top plate for sharpening.

Ya it is 3/8ths lowpro. I matched up the rivets to known 3/8ths. Just the chain looked near new and the cutters were so teeny. Doesn't look like you can sharpen it too many times. I can see why Oregon went to vxl over just the vx, which is apparently what this is. Used it a bunch today, needs sharpening again though. I'm cutting branches that were dropped into soft dirt. I'll file the crap outta it, use it once more, then clean it, final sharpen, and put it away. Got more saws to finish and tryout anyway.
If you are talking about a tractor saw.......I was absolutely aghast when I saw it this morning at just over $400.00
I've got a tractor by that name that I would sell for that much!!!LOL


You're right Mike. And it's a non-runner with a missing muffler too. There are a couple guys who REALLY want it. They started throwing $25 bid increases at each other to try and make each other blink. Check out the bidding history. Probably some high end AC collectors. Either they're amatures and have 'shot their wad' already, or there's going to be some more fireworks at the last minute. Oughta be interesting.

I doubt anyone here (in the Poulan thread) would bid that high for that saw. You and your 'brother from another mother' probably are the two guys that'd be most interested in it............but I don't see either of you throwing that kind of $$$ at this particular saw. When I did a search and saw the listing (with that kinda $$$) I assumed it must be an NOS saw. Once I clicked on it and saw the item in detail, I was as perplexed as you. IF I had that kind of money burning a hole in my pocket, I'd much rather buy an NOS 5200 or 5400 (or preferably a Craftsman 5.2) with it.
My fastest 3/8 low profile chain is Oregon 91 Chamfer Chisel with the bumper tiestrap filed down. I'd bet the Oregon 91 'skip double fin stuff' could make a great 18" noodler with a little modification.
Could be! From what I've seen the stuff they sell as replacement everywhere now is not skip and has ramped drive links instead of the shark fin bumpers, so for general purpose work it's hard to justify the time to grind them down. But that would be a way to get skip 91 - lots of grinding!
Replaced primer bulb??

Rebuilt 3800 Poulan 20" chainsaw

3400-4000 Poulans don't have "primer bulbs" or purge bulbs unless I'm mistaken. I've never seen a saw of that series with either. That (replacing a carb kit, filter, chain, bar adjuster, spark plug, and fuel lines) isn't what I'd call a "rebuild" either. More of a "refresh" or "refurb". The saw does look very good in the pics however. This guy is around 15 minutes from me, so if anyone's interested in it let me know. I don't know the guy or his saw at all.....
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Could be! From what I've seen the stuff they sell as replacement everywhere now is not skip and has ramped drive links instead of the shark fin bumpers, so for general purpose work it's hard to justify the time to grind them down. But that would be a way to get skip 91 - lots of grinding!

One of these threads some place last year..I am proly not recalling exactly, but it was along these lines. The guy was watching a mexican crew do some cedar, small ones, lots of them. They had just taken bolt cutters to the rakers to drop them down. Never tried it, but might be loads faster and easier than grinding, to turn cheap homerenter chains into real chains.

One of these threads some place last year..I am proly not recalling exactly, but it was along these lines. The guy was watching a mexican crew do some cedar, small ones, lots of them. They had just taken bolt cutters to the rakers to drop them down. Never tried it, but might be loads faster and easier than grinding, to turn cheap homerenter chains into real chains.

that might work think i would grind it there after .. and those lil fellows would be the last resort on tips.... i will go with larry the cable guy way before that!!!! Git er done!
Rebuilt 3800 Poulan 20" chainsaw

3400-4000 Poulans don't have "primer bulbs" or purge bulbs unless I'm mistaken. I've never seen a saw of that series with either. That (replacing a carb kit, filter, chain, bar adjuster, spark plug, and fuel lines) isn't what I'd call a "rebuild" either. More of a "refresh" or "refurb". The saw does look very good in the pics however. This guy is around 15 minutes from me, so if anyone's interested in it let me know. I don't know the guy or his saw at all.....

It is pretty obvious that you don't know that guy or you wouldn't have let him look so stupid right there in front of God and everybody!!!LOL

He is only about $100.00 too high.......IF... he has really done the work he says, which I doubt or he would know there isn't a primer on that saw.

Craftsman badged Poulan

I picked up a Craftsman yesterday that was made by poulan. The model number is: 318.356081. What is the corresponding Poulan model. Tom
It looks to me to be a 25DA or something like that. A pic would confirm it.

I do not have a picture at this time. I have a 3400 and the Craftsman looks like it, except it has a different airfilter. I will try to get a picture tomorrow. I may have got the model number wrong. Thanks Tom
Then its a Craftsman 4000 equivilent, and you are to be congratulated. Unless someone swapped some stuff around. It happens. If it runs and you like it, who cares?
Then its a Craftsman 4000 equivilent, and you are to be congratulated. Unless someone swapped some stuff around. It happens. If it runs and you like it, who cares?

I will try to get pictures tomorrow. It has 120 pounds compression and the P & C looks fine. It needs a bar, chain , airfilter, sprocket and I am sure a carb. kit. Also probably a fuel filter and fuel lines. I forgot to mention that I measured the bore and it measured 1.810". Tom
I've spent the evening doing a much nicer fix that looks like it belongs on the saw. I even used black hardware and steel for the repair



That has got to be a getto fix. It looks a lot better than a redneck fix. Tom:laugh:
OK This is Wierd....

I picked up a Craftsman yesterday that was made by poulan. The model number is: 318.356081. What is the corresponding Poulan model. Tom

Here's the IPL that comes up when I run your model #.

It sez that the saw is a Craftsman 3.0/18 (which should be a Poulan 3000). However.........I checked the piston and cylinder part numbers from that IPL, and they match a Poulan 3400. Wouldn't that be a Craftsman 3.4? This must be one of those oddball Sears price-point specials. A specific saw made at Sears request, with 3.0/18 decals and other 'fudged' info/packaging. Was probably sold at a discount (compared to a 3.4/3400), yet was in fact 3.4ci in disguise. Somebody probably got a GREAT deal on a new 3.4 without knowing it. Interesting....
Well I got to go play chainsaws with a friend today clearing beetle damaged trees off a 160 acre property, we have to get all the infested trees down before the middle of march. Any who, I took along one of the 8500's and used it for bucking, man these saws have power and I have the bleeding egg to prove it as it got pinched and backed out of the cut really fast and lumped my shin. I have never had a direct drive saw do this, talk about torque.

Obligatory pics and vid





This is why these trees are being removed.
Here's the IPL that comes up when I run your model #.

It sez that the saw is a Craftsman 3.0/18 (which should be a Poulan 3000). However.........I checked the piston and cylinder part numbers from that IPL, and they match a Poulan 3400. Wouldn't that be a Craftsman 3.4? This must be one of those oddball Sears price-point specials. A specific saw made at Sears request, with 3.0/18 decals and other 'fudged' info/packaging. Was probably sold at a discount (compared to a 3.4/3400), yet was in fact 3.4ci in disguise. Somebody probably got a GREAT deal on a new 3.4 without knowing it. Interesting....

After looking at the IPL I believe that to be the same as my saw. The oil pump looks like one I have for sale on fleabay and it is for the 3400 and other model saws. I mentioned in an earlier post that the bore measured 1.810". Would that be a 3400. I have four books on chainsaws and none give the bore or stroke. Thanks Tom
Well I got to go play chainsaws with a friend today clearing beetle damaged trees off a 160 acre property, we have to get all the infested trees down before the middle of march. Any who, I took along one of the 8500's and used it for bucking, man these saws have power and I have the bleeding egg to prove it as it got pinched and backed out of the cut really fast and lumped my shin. I have never had a direct drive saw do this, talk about torque.

Obligatory pics and vid

--way cool, you can see it has some cojones! Now that you have run it a fair bit, what modern current in production saw do you think it compares the closest with?

And that's pine beetle damage? What will happen to the wood? I've had this thought on that that, that supplementing it into a coal electricity plant might be the best, nice clean burn, get something practical from it, or use it to produce "biochar" for the ag community.
After looking at the IPL I believe that to be the same as my saw. The oil pump looks like one I have for sale on fleabay and it is for the 3400 and other model saws. I mentioned in an earlier post that the bore measured 1.810". Would that be a 3400. I have four books on chainsaws and none give the bore or stroke. Thanks Tom

I can't remember the bore measurements for the 3400-4000 saws (and Acres doesn't list them). The stroke is the same for all four versions. Only the bore measurements differ. Does the saw have a chromed piston and a bare alluminum bore? That'd make it a 3400 or 3800 (and not a 3700 or 4000).
If you are talking about a tractor saw.......I was absolutely aghast when I saw it this morning at just over $400.00
I've got a tractor by that name that I would sell for that much!!!LOL


I saw that too and kind of wondered who was crazy.....
Don't worry guys, it wasn't me. The only saw I would even think of going that high on would be a 655BP.


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