Well I picked up another 3000. First saw I didn't have to tear apart. Started right up, idles and runs at wot great. Comp is 155 so all I did was pull the muffler and mod it. Opened diffuser slightly and added a ModifiedMark extra exhaust port. Saw was run at a 30/1 mix so I cleaned out the carbon in the muffler. Tachs at 12,500. I know I've heard of others getting to 13,500 But I'm uneasy about the possibilty on running it too lean. I'll post pictures later and try to have them open in the post. Haven't had any luck so far, though.
Bob, I seen that one and it looks like you done very well on that. Mine runs really well with that style of muffler mod, so good it actually surprised me.
Now go put that tach away and tune that saw in the wood and you will be good to go.
Costs money to run a Poulan saw sanctuary & retreat.
Preach on brother Gregg, lord knows thats the truth!