Mister Wizard
Thank you. I feel more educated already and I've only started the day! I'm sure the general public has no idea what the difference is between all these saws. Looks like Poulan might have saved some money by just offering one model rather than changing them so often, but what do I know about it? Homelite did it also with the small (and large) XL series.
Yep. I have a SERIOUS beef with the knuckleheads at Homelite who used 'XL' on four different saw families, covering displacements from 26cc thru 82cc. Then there is "EZ", and "E-Z", which mean two COMPLETELY different saw families. One is 82cc and large. The other is 34/38/41cc and small. The hyphen differentiates the two, but most folks (including Homelite at times) are quite lax at using the hyphen at the right time. Would it have killed them to think up other letter designations for the saws???
OK, now I am slightly less confused about the XXV/25/S25/DA variants, but still unsure of what I am looking at unless I measure bore and find an auto oiler or not. Am I correct in thinking the Super varieties had the metal toggle kill switch? And the 34cc models had a sliding kill switch? Most of the ones I see have no bars on them, so I can't reference that at all(and I only put 14" on them, for pruning and small limbs). Does the color mean anything or is that just and indicator of the production timeframe?
In the XXV Series, "Super" ony denotes the larger bore. The changeover to the toggle switch happened early in the production run. I don't know if there were any 2.3/Super saws with sliding switches. My Craftsman 2.1A (red 25DA) has a toggle switch. Without badging, the only way I know for sure to tell a 25 from a Super 25 is to measure the bore. External parts and assemblies are often swapped on these saws (ever seen a three color 25? They are often on feebay), so labels and switches can be 'wrong' for the saw. P/C's can be swapped too. I'd forgotten about the "250A" error. Happens a LOT on CL and feebay. Sometimes on AS too. Micros are a whole other subject. They're quite easy to tell apart from the XXV series, but have a million variants within their own series. And there's Poulan's reuse of "25", "Super", and "XXV" between the two unrelated saw series...:bang:
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