Nik's Poulan Thread

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I saw the pic before reading the story and conjured up a 5200 with a 14" bar on it. I will have to refer to toe resident "big saw" guys for a verification, but a 5200 should use a D176 mount bar. I have found the best price on them at Edge&Engine.

Anyways the "gnarly old bigger Poulan" turned out to be this;


Sooo what bar mount configuration will this saw require!?? :help:

Nice looking saw:clap: The 5200 uses the D176 Oregon mount, same as 3400/3700/4000 4200, 306, 245. etc.

Sooo then I get home and start researching basic stuff for the air filter availability........and run across this;

Does anyone have a new 5200 air filter they would be interested in parting with......or has anyone figured out how "refilter" the 5200 air filter?? I talked with one cool shop owner (AS member it turns out) and he mentioned opening up the filter and fitting air filter pre-cleaner foam inside of the filter to provide additional filtering media.

I'll need to pull the muffler assembly off and check out the P/C condition before wanting to spend more money on getting other parts to try and bring this saw back to life.

First of all, congrats on the new saw! You're gonna be glad you drove all the way to BFE!

Nice pooch too!

You may have missed it, but ModifiedMark started a thread about a Craftsman 5.2 (same saw) I recently acquired.

You've guessed it .... 5200 air filters are as scarce as hens teeth. An AS member has NOS ones for $40 shipped. PM me for info on this.

Mine was intact, but all the flocking was gone. So I have the following (temporary?) solution until I hit the lottery and buy a new one. 1) Took filter apart and washed it completely. Dried completely. 2) Found a pleated paper filter for a B&S engine in the $.99 bargain bin at local hardware store. 3) Cut away all the metal and foam before unfolding the paper. 4) Reverse-folded the pleats and placed the sheet under a heavy book overnight. 5) Took the filter halves and traced outline of each onto the filter paper. 6) Got the glue gun VERY hot and put a nice heavy bead on the inside of each traced outline. 7) Placed the respective halves into their outline, pressed down and allowed the glue to cool for 1/2 hour. 8) Cut filter material away with an X-acto knife, re-assembled the filter and used.

I did find that the glue may be a bit brittle for this application. Cold temps and high vibration may be too streessful for it. I am going to monitor this over time.
The carbs did use those discs, but I've found they suck to pop out of the carb body and suck to put back in. The fuel tank top is the base of the top handle(if it isn't a CVA) and there is supposed to be a gasket between the tank bottom and the top. According to the service manual, if those screws holding the halves together are loosened with fuel in the tank, a leak is going to occur. I have heard of people using Dirko or Yamabond instead, but never tried it myself.


Well I found the leak! Fuel line is cracked right behind the flywheel. So new fuel line tomorrow hopefully. Found a gasket in the shed that worked perfect for my intake gasket between the carb and the spacer. After that saw ran better but it needs the two pieces from a rebuild kit and that should fix it up I hope.

Neighbor had a giant pine taken down into some LARGE logs at the end of his driveway. So Im gonna see if he will let me have at it tomorrow. Give me a chance to use a couple of the saws!!
Bronco, do a search on the site for S25DA fuel line replacement, I can't remember who, but one of these Poulan guys did an excellent write-up with pictures. Its not hard, but there are some tricks to make the job easier.

who else ..

Bronco, do a search on the site for S25DA fuel line replacement, I can't remember who, but one of these Poulan guys did an excellent write-up with pictures. Its not hard, but there are some tricks to make the job easier.


that would be mark that did it its a very good one too! i just cant find at this minute...
I saw the pic before reading the story and conjured up a 5200 with a 14" bar on it. I have found the best price on them at Edge&Engine.

:msp_biggrin:.... now that's quite the picture, a 5200 with a 14" bar. was the project 3750 that has the refugee POS 14" b/c on it!! Thanks for the heads up on the Edge & Engine source for best price. I did end up buying a 20" Poulan bar for the 3750. They/OrderTree only had a bar and no chain in the warehouse but since I was ordering some other stuff it made more sense to combine the bar and parts shipping cost.;

Poulan 20" Replacement Bar - Fits Poulan 3350 3450 3500 3650 3750 Saws

Now I'll have to go shopping for a couple of 70 drive links chain(any recommendations??) for this bar and then I can be done with that part of the project.

Nice looking saw:clap: The 5200 uses the D176 Oregon mount, same as 3400/3700/4000 4200, 306, 245. etc.


Thaniks Gregg!! :rock:
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First of all, congrats on the new saw! You're gonna be glad you drove all the way to BFE!

Nice pooch too!


Also thanks for the air filter info hit :rock:

Yeah, the BFE drive turned out sooo well.... the guy was just soo cool, knowledgeable and leading a very, I mean VERY meager desert rat/recluse lifestyle. I was very happy to have met and made friends with he hooked me up with the 5200....blessing or moneypit.........time will tell!!

PM sent!!
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Now I'll have to go shopping for a couple of 70 drive links chain(any recommendations??) for this bar and then I can be done with that part of the project.

I myself like either Stihl RSC which I guess is now just called RS or Oregon LPX. Edge and Engine is great, but they don't carry the LPX in 3/8 for some reason.
3400/3800 isolators

Most all I've seen are soft enough that you can squeeze into the four case holes for them. The later hex screw for the back shouldn't matter. I have two I'll send you. Just PM me your address. You do the the metal cylinder that fits inside the isloator, right? Remember when you order rings that the 3800 uses thick rings not thin like the 3700 or 4000. The part # is 530025933.

Thanks Bob
I do have the 3 crappy little spacers for the bar end ISO's of the saw. They will need straigntening up to make them work correctly. They had been all crushed up from over tightening that long bolt.
Thanks for the free iso's offer, I am making a fair sized order any way from TEW for a variety of bits for a variety of saws and a trimmer. I guess I will buy the softer rubbers since no one seems to have experience on the harder rubbers and if they are really any better, even if money is not the issue. Harder rubber must surely pass more vibration to the handle. But it does make me wonder why poulan offered 2 types.
Damn kids, at 0248 today I turned the 1/2 century. I feel every damn year of it too, lol. :D

Happy birthday old man! Just kidding, about the old part. More like well seasoned.

If you were an aging barrel of bourbon, there wouldn't be much left, but it sure would be smooth!

poulan Titanium 2550t

Picked up this saw yesterday. After replacing the fuel line and filter, putting in a new metering diaphragm generally cleaning up the carb I have this problem: Starts on the choke OK then speeds up (races) when off the choke, then dies almost immediately:bang:. Just can't get it to idle despite trying many idle adjustments. Comp is 140psi and the saw is in pretty good shape with a slight scoring of the piston. Has an excellent 18" bar & Chain. It runs a Walbro WT carb. It doesn't owe me much but would like to get it running to have as a loaner.


prolly why it has a scored piston. stop running it immediately and get a vacuum or pressure test done on it. i would do pressure, then you can use soapy water to find the leak. could be any number of things leaking. lots of threads on here on how to find it.
Anyone have an opinion on this 6000. I have an S&D166 that I'm really liking and this saw looks nice.

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I have an S6000 that is the 152 and it doesn't have the near the snot of my 166. I do not know if there is a big difference between the 152 and 153. I also have not tore into the 152 to see if it needs some freshening so take what i say with a grain of salt.

But, they do look really nice sitting side by side!! :hmm3grin2orange:

You got 29 minutes to make up your mind.