They are 54cc. They are the Poulan 3450 in Yellow.
Model Profile: 3450
quick and dirty. should be enough for anyone that cares to take the time to study it.
I have never run them side by side, but I would think the 3400 has more low end grunt but the 330 loves to rev. Some of the other guys here could give you a more accurate comparison. I think many Husky/Stihl users would be shocked at the performance of a stock 330.
Anyone ever trying adjusting the bend in these flat clutch springs, try to resurrect them? Or take them out and flip them over? Also, what would be acceptable play in the bearing race there. With a dry bearing, there is *some* give. Haven't cleaned it and put it back together yet with grease, so maybe that will take up the slack. I scored a new sprocket, just trying to shake down what the little sloppiness is. I could rock the old assembly enough so part of a clutch shoe would just make contact. The bearing looks good, just dry, no evident plastic melting in the cage, no big grooves in the old spur sprocket,crank looks OK (no micrometer to check it though). It just wiggles a little and I think that is my "chain won't stop spinning at idle" problem. Or just the race, are they known to wear easy in this series? This is my first sloppy clutch I have encountered, just trying to learn, thanks in advance.
Just picked up a Deluxe super 25 for .99 cents off of eBay! Extra parts will be great.
quick and dirty. should be enough for anyone that cares to take the time to study it.
Thanks goes out to Karl for making up these Poulan 361 style fuel line fittings that I have been using for the 4200-8500 style saws.
These allow a 2 piece fuel line setup on these since the original style 3/16"ID thin wall fuel line is not made any more.
I have some to help you guys who need them. I dont want to run afoul of the good folks who run this site and there rules here so if your in need of any please PM me and I will give the details needed.
I know I posted a picture of these fittings before but cannot find it right now.
Unless there is some Swahili dialect where the word "Pump" = "check valve assembly with a hose barb" in English, there is no actual pump in a 2300 CVA. Apparently at least one IPL refers to a pump on a 2300CVA... and that is fine as long as you realize that it actually isn't. There are no moving parts at all in that oiler, unless one wants to make a point; the engine itself generates the pressure going to the oil tank.
Here's the best I can do to help. Good luck.
Don't know if this is the pic you were referring too or not Mark. Looks good to me though.
I just went a took a picture of the ones that Karl made, there freaking nice.
One of these is going to end up in my primo 5200 bow saw soon, I hope.