Here is the bow section from the 1977 245A IPL.
No kit is listed in it.
No kit is listed in it.
Got ahold of this split boom trimmer with saw attachment. Replaced fuel lines, primer bulb, cleaned carb and put in a new kit. I can get it to fire but it will only run for a second or two then die out even if i throttle it. I tried messing with metering lever in carb and no dice. It has those dumb spline carb adjustment and the tool is supposed to be here tomorrow. Only thing Ive noticed is it will run a moment long on full choke, if you half choke or no choke it the thing speeds up and dies.
Anybody have any ideas?
Those screws are only dumb because you dont have the proper driver for them yet. When you do you will change your mind, there the best setup going.
Not being smart here but you have to read the starting instructions on that power head and follow them exactly if you expect it to start correctly.
One was black and one was a white fibrous material. I put the black one in the carb. Would that matter?
likely so. do you have the old ones that came out? lots of the kits use two such pieces that work together... one makes up the seal between the ports and a thin one that acts like flapper valves.
First thing that comes to my mind Aaron is forest service, it being Kalifornia and all.
Another thing ive noticed is when I pump the primer bulb gas doesnt get to bulb. Does that mean anything?
What do you think about that?
A lot of people have trouble putting the fuel lines back in the right place. I was given an almost new looking Wild Thing because he didn't know where the fuel lines were supposed to go. It ran fine when I turned them around...
Yup, my first overhaul with a purge bulb system was a Mac 2014. Lines were just so much crumbled macaroni. Found many, many different ways to hook it up.
Primer is a misnomer.
Could very well be Jeff. CDF headquarters is in Sacramento, where this saw came from (and where the state surplus auctions are). This saw would have had to have spent its service life on a shelf however, as it doesn't have that 'beat' look to it. My PM700 used to be a local county saw, and it is in similar it is possible. Hope I can find an IPL for this very late 306A. That might answer a few questions.
Two more clues to the puzzle. It may very well be surplus, as a newer AV model would have been my choice, being a county saw isn't a production model, and can be set down at any (or most of the) time. Wonder if there is anything in that muffler spec list from the forest service?