It seems that I wasn't meant to add any new-to-me Poulans to the stable

1. Pawn shops can be so much fun

! Yesterday I found a Poulan 2000 rebadged as a Craftsman.
Very good cosmetic condition.
Very good compression, but it wouldn't start (see gas comment).
Tensioner was screwed-up, couldn't remove the cover to check it.
The screw/nut & bolt was missing from the rear end.
One screw on the bottom for the HB wasn't screwed all the way in, wouldn' turn (screw too long? cross-threaded? wrong size? wrong thread?).
They'd had on the shelf for a year, gas smelled bad. They'd been marking it down monthly after it didn't sell the first two? three? months. Gee, maybe the original $99.99 price combined with its condition had something to do with it not selling. They acted like their "final" price of $29.99 price was great deal :msp_rolleyes:!
2. The guy with the Poulan 3700 has re-done his CL ad. The first photo in the new ad is a clear shot of the 3700; in the old ad you could barely see only the rear handle. I wonder if my two emails & one phone conversation had anything to do with it :msp_angry:? BTW he still hasn't set a price.