Granfodder Runningsaw
Thats a lot better. It has been $4.36 here. The news says they are jacking it up more. We keep hearing that prices will drop "in a couple of weeks" but it hasn't happened.
It's the same song and dance they always give. . . "We can't lower prices, we'll go out of business", then they post record profits. :msp_angry:
They always hike prices for summer driving, and lower them a few cents fer the fall/winter. It's always, always 4 steps forward, and 1 step back -- and they proclaim "LOOK, we've lowered gas prices!"
We're sucking oil out'a ND and Eastern Montana like it's going out of style, and yet gas is over $4 a gallon? A lot of it is the devalued dollar, but a lot more of it is corporate greed on the oil barons part.
Don't get me started, I could rant all day!