Well like the old farmer said,,Everytime we get a new hand we have to explain how the Hay bailer works..Every group I've been on the new guys and some of the old guys like picking up old threads and at times old ladies..So,,lets do this,,I'm 74 so OLD habits are hard to break..Four ounces of oil to a gallon was my opinion for years then finally 3.2 ounces per gal and then 3 ounces per gallon..I change slowly..then,,I started looking at CC's..I am from the school the bigger engines like more oil.. Since some of my stuff requires 3.2 ounces I keep life simple and that's now my standard...32 to 1 is not a big deal for me BECAUSE,,once the saw is adjusted to burn that oil it's not messing up my plugs and it's simple..As an old timer I'd recommend 4 ounces or 3.2 ounces per gallon BECAUSE,, many gas pumps that I've tested are seldom exactly set right on the money. I have a gallon jug with a mark on it.. I've tested different pumps some side by side and got different readings..If a saw is tuned right and GOOD 2 cycle oil is used every bit of that oil will burn along with the gas and the saw has no idea how it was mixed..HOWEVER if you starve the engine JUST ONCE, that saw may have along memory..The rule I go by is FEED the saw plenty of oil..Never pizz off anything with an engine..They KNOW exactly when to get you back..So if you are new to this saw stuff..I recommend you use 3.2 ounces or 4 and adjust the carb..You will be blowing out Birthday candles for that saw for years to come IF you bought a good saw to start with..For a farm I've fell in love with Echo saws..From the cs352 and up..I use that little saw and the cs490 more than I use my big heavy Sthil saws which require Sthil bars...what I love about the Echo cs352 other than it starts easy and runs so well, it's a 3/8 pitch and they can use the cheap Poulan chain and bar combos..I catch them on sale sometimes..Paid 15 bucks for a new bar and chain just recently..Throw in a jar of Peanut butter, Jelly and loaf of bread and "that's" a sweet deal..