Stihl Wrenching
lololol For such a young dog, he certainly has "presence"....
so.. what did you think of the PNW style GTG.... ???
We are already thinking of planning a fall one.
Does the white dog have a name. I just called her Cujo
you will get a kick out of this her name is puppy girl.
This may help...
Seal any piece of clothing from the GTG in a plastic bag... Any time you feel misty, open and sniff deep.. the smoke will bring on a flood on good memories.
Bring your own splitting maul.
Bookerdog did a great job. The guy was nonstop. Grinding chains, going out for donuts, ordering pizza, gettin people coffee. I bet he drove 50 miles up and down the hill in 2 days. Wanted to thank him, his great wife and Jay for putting up with us. It was alot of fun.
Looks like I dodged all the pics also :greenchainsaw:
I don't remember him.. but faces verses names verses AS handles, plus beer... all so confusing...