I don't profess to be an expert about tree biology, I just harvest the things and bring it to people as burnable pieces.
"Sort of" was supposed to be "sometimes" as in "Cottonwood and aspen are sometimes "hybred" around here. Hybred in quotes as I wasn't sure if that was the correct term or spelling. Crossbred? Corn bread? haha., hell I dunno, I'm just a dumb logger.
Not sure what makes the smell, but I've cut some that smell kind of like leaves, while other's smell like skunk piss or fresh dog ****. It must be pretty strong cause I can smell it and I can't smell very well.
There is a plantation stand a few miles from me.Sign nearby reads "hybred poplar".I have no idea what the purpose of it would be.Some sort of botanical experiment I would guess.
We had some that came from southern AK and it smell liked cinnamin.