Pioneer chainsaws

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I have another yellow saw you could take off my hands. McCinderblock 380. Great for building muscles. At that weight though shipping would likely be horrendous

Old Mark had one on his shelf stuck there for years he couldn't get its owner to take back. I'm betting he misses staring at it and wants a replacement.

Chris B.
Crank/bearing/housing assembly.

Whats the order of business on assembly?

Press the bearings on the crank and then shrink it into the housing or shrink the bearings into the housing and then press in the crank?

The inner race is a much lighter press fit on the crank from what I see with this one.

Outer rings of bearings are horendous tight in the housing (shrik fit).
Whats the order of business on assembly?

Press the bearings on the crank and then shrink it into the housing or shrink the bearings into the housing and then press in the crank?

The inner race is a much lighter press fit on the crank from what I see with this one.

Outer rings of bearings are horendous tight in the housing (shrik fit).

If it's any help, I am sending you a link to the repair manual in you PM's.
Whats the order of business on assembly?

Press the bearings on the crank and then shrink it into the housing or shrink the bearings into the housing and then press in the crank?

The inner race is a much lighter press fit on the crank from what I see with this one.

Outer rings of bearings are horendous tight in the housing (shrik fit).

You might find this threads I did a while back of some help,
I'm posting in this thread to reach some "Pioneer experts" about this Farmsaw. It is missing the ignition coil, which was a solid state unit. I'm not sure if this is accurate, but I seem to remember something about it being "a rare, blue ignition module". I'd appreciate help/information about finding a new or used part to get the saw running. Thank you!
View attachment 295752View attachment 295753
I don't think them all that rare, but very expensive (pn 507475320).
Farley9n has a repair topic in this thread, and pioneerguy600 has many hints sprinkled through it as well. You might try a search.
I'm posting in this thread to reach some "Pioneer experts" about this Farmsaw. It is missing the ignition coil, which was a solid state unit. I'm not sure if this is accurate, but I seem to remember something about it being "a rare, blue ignition module". I'd appreciate help/information about finding a new or used part to get the saw running. Thank you!

View attachment 295752View attachment 295753

They're not rare, you can still buy a new one but they're pricey. They are a bit trouble prone. An electronic coil from a homelite SXL-AO is exactly the same unit.

Ebay is probably your best bet for a used one or maybe a whole parts saw for the right price.
I'm posting in this thread to reach some "Pioneer experts" about this Farmsaw. It is missing the ignition coil, which was a solid state unit. I'm not sure if this is accurate, but I seem to remember something about it being "a rare, blue ignition module". I'd appreciate help/information about finding a new or used part to get the saw running. Thank you!
View attachment 295752View attachment 295753

They also used a black one (coil/trigger). My PP-655 has that. Watch which flywheel you have, Wico/Prestolite or Phelon.

Then there is the two piece deal. Both my P-41s have it but the mounting boss is different on the cylinder.
Following up on your suggestions (and what I read in earlier posts in this thread), I went to my box of used ignition coils, grabbed out the two blue ones, and found one that fit exactly. After locating some mounting hardware, it looks very promising...spark in the 'ON' posistion, no spark in 'OFF'. I'll post an update soon to let you know if its a runner. Thanks for the help.
They also used a black one (coil/trigger). My PP-655 has that. Watch which flywheel you have, Wico/Prestolite or Phelon.

Then there is the two piece deal. Both my P-41s have it but the mounting boss is different on the cylinder.

The bigger saws have different ignition from a Farmsaw Carl. It has that goofy bendix type recoil like a P-21 and the like. That's why you can't put a 41 ignition on a FS. The coil won't bolt to the jug and a 41 flywheel won't work with the FS recoil.
Yup. Ran into that going thru the three junkers from Mo. Jim.

Blue coil on evilbay: Pioneer Orange Farmsaw Blue Coil Ignition Module Prestolite Checked Good | eBay Steep!

Just plain silly: Coil Solid State Ignition Module Pioneer Farmsaw 475320 | eBay I mean, who in their right mind..............................................

You should never equate being in your right mind with smiling Randy :)

Last time I checked Rottmans they were $60 odd dollars new, but that was a while back.
The Farmsaw is a runner. The carburetor even started working after a few blasts of Gummout. Now I've somewhat disassembled it for a thorough cleaning and carburetor overhaul. When its together, I'll cut with it to see if I want to add it to my collection or maybe trade it for another McCulloch.
PP-655 No joy in River City.

Put the crankcase together this morning with the gasket set just arrived from PartsTree. The auto parts store flywheel side bearing didn't work. Radius on inner ring isn't large enuff to clear the fillet on the crank shoulder/counter weight cheek. Tighten the case screws and the crank won't turn.

IEL model RA question.

Clutch nut right hand or left? Flywheel nut left hand? Not enuff threads sticking out to tell.

I been 'gotcha' by Pioneer flywheel nuts before...........................................................................:msp_ohmy:


Got him apart enuff to find the crank, rod and wrist pin are junk. Cylinder and piston are OK.

Shielded ball bearings for mains? Really? First time for everything.
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PP655 bar assistance

Posted this in the Poulan thread, too ..

Had not yet cut with the saw since I got it.

At the IN GTG yesterday, chain didn't seem to be getting enough oil. I had made earlier cuts that seemed fine. Set the saw aside to sort out today.

I know nothing of the Poulan Pro bar, other than it has a .404 sprocket nose on it.

Does someone know the specs on this 36" bar? The numbers off it are:

3663 8019 GQN
Made in Canada


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