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Date for the 2nd annual PNW GTG

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Whatever weekend the majority decides will be fine with me. It sounds like quite a few people are interested. Should be a good time.

If you need any help setting up I could probably come up a couple of days early. When I finish the job I'm on now there might be a little vacation. Like 'til June...LOL.
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I would go a different way myself. He is just the other side of Sheridan, and I would take the more direct route through McMinville down 99W. That I-5 freeway route is a good one for the brothers coming from sunny Kalifornia. By the time you get through Salem I do not think it is any faster than 99W from the north though. Here are some places to stay around there:,+oregon

As for all the casino madness, it is hard to get away from them in OryGun any more though. They are everywhere. Other stuff near there worth checking out, great wineries, nice parks, good hiking trails, the Oregon coast, and big trees. Some of the oldest and biggest Doug firs are not very far south of there in the Valley of the Giants (600 year old ents). Amity and the surrounding area produces some of the best Pinot Noir in the world. There are lots of wine tasting places along 99W but they all chage for tasting until you get around Amity.

Weather and climate information on Sheridan and Willamina:

The overall climate of Willamina can be considered Mediterranean. This is characteristic of areas with wet and mild winters and warm and dry summers.

Willamina receives an average of 51.45" of precipitation per year based on the Western Regional Climate Center averages from 1971–2000. Willamina's highest annual precipitation was 84.33" in 1996 and the lowest was 32.28" in 1944. Willamina's wettest month was December 1996 with 22.00". Willamina has had 20 months since 1935 in which no precipitation has fallen, the most recent being August 2005.

On average Willamina receives 10.5" of snowfall annually. The highest seasonal snowfall was 73.6" in the winter of 1949-1950 and the lowest has been none on many occasions. Willamina's snowiest month was January 1950 with 68.6".

Ahhh Grasshopper, things are not always as easy as the map may say

If you get off I-5 at 99W It will take to 2+ hours to get here. Could be the same through Salem but very doubtful, but you will have better country to look at and you will be moving. 99W all the way most of your time will be at red lights and plenty of traffic. Dundee, wow you can sit in the mile stretch between Newberg for 45 min sometimes. I drive 99 through Dundee everyday twice.

I was thinking of the easiest path for the lost to follow.

Casinos are an evil we wil deal with in this state from now till the end of time. I live 10 min from the most popular and have never been in there on my own time. Only durring work.

One of our favorite hikes is Drift creek falls, easy ground, cool wooden suspension bridge and a fairly unique falls at the end. If you have time I would recomend that one, especially if you are going to stay in Lincoln City the cutoff road is about half way inbetween here and there.

Valley of the giants can be a spectacular site, some of the biggest trees next to the redwoods. Very good chance however that the access will be blocked by weather related problems.

Wine. This country has wineries like no other place on the panet(really). I help hook up the power to them but that is as far as I go. We have some of the best wines in the world in a 40 mile radius of the house.

The weather report you found, all I can give that is a great big raspberry. Forcast for May, Wind, Rain, Snow, Sleet, Hail, Fog, Sun. Flip a coin it could be one or the other or all inside to 20 min.

Mediterranean, my back side.

All will have a great time though. Mix exhaust, bar oil, grease, saw chip all mixed together and damp, ahh, what could be better.
Ahhh Grasshopper, things are not always as easy as the map may say

I be an OryGun/Clackamas Co. native. I am not going by the map. Just a straight line from where I am living in Clackamas Co. I also drive out there at least once a week. My old sheep buddy Davey (he was a ram, and yes, he was my buddy, long story). Anyway, he has a son and grandson out there. I can get to Sheridon in less than an hour and 20 with moving traffic. With a moron breakdown or a wreak, well, that is any highway in Oregon. Scream and vent and find a way around. I would rather go the 99W route than through Salem. Salem is evil. I get lost going through Salem every time. I hate that town. Anyway, go as you would but if you like to wine taste, Amity is a great place. Dundee and north wine places charge too much for a sip of wine. Amity area (and the winery named Amity) has good wine, and down there its free. I recommend Van Duzer highly. Nice people there. Avoid traffic hours of 3-7pm and you will be OK.

Casinos are evil. Avoid them. Better to spend money on wine or chainsaws. I have been past and into the Seven Feathers casino a lot of times (dragged in by friends mostly) and it is a scam scam scam. But if you like to gamble, it better than going to Vegas. Or an Oregon Lottery slot maching parlor (odds are terrible there).

Valley of the giants can be a spectacular site, some of the biggest trees next to the redwoods.

THE biggest trees after the coastal redwoods are Doug firs. That place is hard to get to, but there are some big trees there. Bull of the Woods is my fave, but that is second to these in tree size and big old doug fir gawking. Wx getting there is an issue only this time of year. With a 4WD it is not an issue.

The weather report you found, all I can give that is a great big raspberry. Forcast for May, Wind, Rain, Snow, Sleet, Hail, Fog, Sun. Flip a coin it could be one or the other or all inside to 20 min.

Yes, I have been living in the coast range for the last 4 years, and I was born here in the 1950s. Wx here is highly variable, and I have seen it all. However, May can be very nice. May was nice 3 years ago, and also 5 years ago. Last year we had 8 inches of snow in April, and we had rain through July the last 3 years. Highly variable, it is only an average Wx report. Mediterranean only refers to the fact (and it is a fact) that Oregon gets less rain in summer than winter. They are not referring to overall mild temps and weather. As opposed to other climate types, like Maritime. Portland is a weird mix of Maritime and Mediterranean climates.

Overall I have to agree that most of the local weather references are BS though. I measured rain in Elkton/Yoncalla when I was there, and I got 72 inches of rain and they would record 48 inches. Seems that all the local municipalities want to record less rain than they actually get. I hear it from real estate agents and the like, about how great the weather is here, and how there is a seasonal summer dought and all that. And like, how we NEVER get any snow around here. Yah... never happens. Except this year... er, we got another big dump of snow in the PDX area. Probalbly 2 feet of snow here now this fall/winter. If you do not like the weather, wait 20 minutes and it will change. Also if you are not complaining about the weather, you are probably not from the Pacific Northwest.
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Here's a thought, Why don't you have it at the Indian Casino? I'm sure they would donate some space for cutting in exchange for being the official hotel & casino for the event. Ya might be able to get a few of the mfg's to come if enough people are going to come.

We should have one of these in Reno. We have hookers. :love1:
Why not? We had a guys from the UK, another from the East coast... to name a couple...

Hey what am I Chopped Liver????? I flew in from TX,,,,,

it was a great trip,,,,,

Brad you owe it to yourself to see the Redwoods, the Big Spruces, and perhaps the Sequoias,,,,,, while you are there,,,, all the pix of them in the world just dont do them justice,,,, ask Ian!!!!!!!


So vote for my choice then;)

OK, I voted for your time slot. Bananas, beer and bread it will be. Wx will be variable. Dress appropriately for visiting Orcas Island or Scotland. That way if on the off chance that it is nice, you will be happy and not need the extra clothes. If not, then we can drink and cut in the rain.
I have heard that they have good and cheap hookers in Salem at the truckstops there. Never been involved or partaken, just what I heard.
Those aren't hookers, they're called Lot Lizards. You don't want those.

Our hookers are certified USDA Prime cut and clean as a whistle.

And to be perfectly honest, I've lived in Reno for 14 years and I still don't have a clue what the Mustang Ranch looks like.
Those aren't hookers, they're called Lot Lizards. You don't want those..

Ba-ha-ha-ha! Lot Lizzards. Never heard that one. You made me spill my wine here... (I am in California after all).

And to be perfectly honest, I've lived in Reno for 14 years and I still don't have a clue what the Mustang Ranch looks like.

The Mustang Ranch was closed for a long time. Saw that it reopened a while back. Never been there, but heard many 'tails' about that place. My old roomate used to be a cabbie in Reno. He used to get kickbacks for taking fares up there. Money and favors, depending on his mood.
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Lincoln City also has the outlet stores. But they only seemed to have really good deals when the highways were closed by slides and they had to rely on the locals for business. I liked to buy stuff at the towel store. But that was 5 years ago. Got some good stuff at the LL Bean store, but they closed that one. The cranky guy sporting goods store is/was? down the coast in Newport.
Newport has some of the best beer in the world at the Rogue Brewery. It is south of the big bridge around a windy bridge thing and down on Yaquina Bay.
Well worth the trip. They have beer sales on 3 day weekends. If you can hang around, they used to have a huge sale on Memorial Day weekend. You push a handcart around instead of a shopping cart. I used to get a list from friends and shop for them. There was a little seafood dive on the highway there that had good food too.

Oregon has no sales tax. Yet.
Owl, I'd vote... but I'm not sure what weekend the Springers will just be busting open, so I'll come whenever. Third weekend in May does sound good though. Is there still anyting cool at camp 18? I have not been there since I was a young kid.

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