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Date for the 2nd annual PNW GTG

  • Total voters
Well, for myself the 1st weekend would be better. But I'd bet a full paycheck that I go through my fire school early April again. I am damn well going to try and make it up there though. So when the vote is final. I will show. I might have room to take another person up as well.

OK, let's keep the conversation going; and the votes rolling in... i can't order my formal attire until i find out if it's on a weekend i can attend!!! :clap:

i know this crowd hasn't gone speechless... :confused:
Not speechless, just tired.... We've been frozen, buried in snow, drowned and now the big cleanup begins...

yep-- how well i know! my 50 min commute home has become 2 hr 25 min since part of Hwy 9 is closed-- the folks having to go home a different route are clogging my route home!

i hope you didn't have any major damage, Lakeside! Mr Wonderful hasn't done a complete appraisal of the damage here... it doesn't appear there was any major damage... but a lot of intermediate level damage...
Most of it will pass... but a few of my really nice plants/trees are trashed... Oh well, now room for something else.

Somewhere in the storms I lost the chrome from one side of my windscreen - now the truck really looks redneck:mad:

Interesting what you see as the snow melts. Side of the road by a creek - dead beaver sticking out of the snow bank.
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Most of it will pass... but a few of my really nice plants/trees are trashed... Oh well, now room for something else.

Somewhere in the storms I lost the chrome from one side of my windscreen - now the truck really looks redneck:mad:

Interesting what you see as the snow melts. Side of the road by a creek - dead beaver sticking out of the snow bank.

Be careful there! I took the spoiler thingy halfway off Sunday on a snowbank on my low clearance Chevy Collyrado. I had a hammer with me and pulled into the grocery parking lot and proceded to hammer it back on. I only cracked it a little bit with the hammer and can probably repair that with black duct tape or try that Miracle Putty stuff.

I went down to volunteer to help with the aftermath and got offered cleaning supplies and vouchers and food even though I told the guy at least twice, that no, I didn't get flooded.

OK, I made a decision and voted. I think I broke a tie.
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Hope everyone is dring out well. Our snow is now gone and we even got to see the sun at the house today. Been having to take the wife up the ridge to get her sun fix, She like the sun and looking down on the trapped clouds/fog from above.

Couple more weeks and the most votes wins. Around the first of Feb ro so.

Hope everyone is dring out well. Our snow is now gone and we even got to see the sun at the house today. Been having to take the wife up the ridge to get her sun fix, She like the sun and looking down on the trapped clouds/fog from above.

Couple more weeks and the most votes wins. Around the first of Feb ro so.


Sounds good.
Now we are living inside an old gray sock...Fog all day... 36 degrees... 1000 feet up it's 50F... Skiing? lolol freezing level 12,000 feet:cry:
sorry-- wasn't trying to go TMI-- but thinking of the variety of plagues... we've already had the floods... so there were gnats, flies, "incurable boils," and others i don't even want to mention... all of it nasty...

Thanks, Ms. Cheerful. Got a bit of Seasonal Affective Disorder going on up there?

I guess this wouldn't be a good time to mention that it was seventy here today. I think I got a slight sunburn while I was washing the pickup in my t-shirt and cutoffs. Barefoot.
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Thanks, Ms. Cheerful. Got a bit of Seasonal Affective Disorder going on up there?

I guess this wouldn't be a good time to mention that it was seventy here today. I think I got a slight sunburn while I was washing the pickup in my t-shirt and cutoffs. Barefoot.

darlin, i am sure all the ladies were getting their fill of eye candy! Whooo hoooo!!!

i was being interviewed for an academic program... so it was a wonderful day, grey or not!!!
We hit 50, the perfect temperature!! If you want it hotter, just find a south facing black wall to set up against. 50ish is just right. :clap:

Should I wash this truck? :) It makes a good place to draw diagrams of skid trails and such. It is now even dirtier, but with freezing temps at night I'd rather not have the doors freeze shut.