Stihl Wrenching
Hmmm... it was 20 years ago... I'm sure the card said "mustang". I'll have to dig though my memorabilia
Owl, I'd vote... but I'm not sure what weekend the Springers will just be busting open, so I'll come whenever. Third weekend in May does sound good though. Is there still anyting cool at camp 18? I have not been there since I was a young kid.
"Mother's Day" - cunning Owl:greenchainsaw:
Hey.. we can vote more than once? cool....:greenchainsaw:
Hey.. we can vote more than once? cool....:greenchainsaw:
dontcha meanI just need three food groups, all begin with "B"
dontcha mean
Sure Mntngal would love this as a mothers day get away Im good either wayShort of springers I hoope you can make it. I haven't been to camp 18 in probably 12 or 14 years. In fact I forgot all about it until now. When I was there last they had some really cool stuff, or so I thought at the time. I may have to grab the boy and head up there one of these days and give a report on the findings.
Mothersday never even crossed my mind. Never crossed the mind of Mrs. either, atleast I don't think it did?
I know Mothers Day can make this a deal killer for some so please do vote on the weekend that would work best for you and yours. I wasn't thinking about Moms Day, it's not a day held in high reguard at our place, birthdays, Memorial, July 4th and Christmas are what gets noticed and planned for around our place, oh ya the Anniversary too.
I would recomend the Sea Gull. I know the owners and they run top shelf.
Prices can vary drastically in this town. Call around. I would avoid the Edge Cliff
Mine talked? uh oh...:greenchainsaw:
Talked this evening with the owners of the Seagull. They said that when the time comes and dates are set, that if you booked a room with them they would be giving a discount on the rates. I don't know how much, I just though the offer was nice of them. More than likely The Mr. and one or two of his kids will be here for the festivities also.
Their number is 1-800-422-0219.
SlowP, you could even bring the used dog/male model. They allow pets in the rooms.
Does anybody know how to get a hold of Booker/Tim after that bash last year would be cool to see him come and get to kick back a little.
i just noticed... i think i'm the only one who voted more then once... i voted the dates i can come... as i don't have a preference... just the prior commitment to go to Daughter #2's college graduation...
please let me know if i violated PNW list etiquette... and i'll remove a vote...