formerly promac610
Did you use a new fuel line or reuse the old one? Most likely it's the fuel line hole leaking because of the way the 81 gas tanks are sealed it would be hard for one of them to leak at the seam. I have heard that you can take some teflon tape that you use on pipe threads and wrap a few rounds around the fuel line where it goes through the tank and it will help it fit tighter and seal.
Crap, I knew I forgot something. That teflon tape. Well, I know what I gotta do tomorrow. It is the 'new' line that came with the tank. It's in great shape.
Use the right line, or at least the right size. My shop teacher taught me If you don't have the time or money to it right, how you going to find either and both to do it again?
You'll have retune after the leak is repaired, its running a bit richer than set right now.
Sorry to hear about the Maxima. Transplant an option?
Transplant is something I am looking at, I'd have to find a southern states 84 wagon, and those are quite rare. I plan to buy another car (old Sentra or Civic) to replace the mad Max as a winter car. Poor car got the salt and rust treatment.
I am starting to worry about the gas tank or something important falling off of it. The rockers are about gone, lots of bondo there. The bottom corner of the driver's door is rusted through, and the lower lip of the liftgate is rusted away. It's a shame a good car like this has to go like this. I will save it if I can. (yes, I know, that'll be some money, but I could do the mild performance mods and manual trans swap at the same time I'm fixing the body, and I still think IMHO that this car is better than any new Government Motors or Crapsler you could buy now)
I had a heck of a time finding a good taillight to replace the one that someone ran into in the parking lot. The guy was nice enough to pay for it and owe up to his mistake. He was driving an 86 or so Toyota pickup with tube bumpers and a welded rear diff... (there's the problem, hard to turn) Thankfully, the rear glass didn't break from the impact.
Wow, way off topic... however, I am basically done with the 850, so this thread can go way off the beaten path if it wants to.