Read Gum dust and Stihl HD Filters

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been 4 years now so i will keep going as is, when it dies i will fix it. id have to put my wood up 20 bucks a ton just to cover bar oil

I would cut a ton and a half with a tank of fuel in 16 to 20 inch wood so the $1.50 worth of oil is not an issue. If it is working for you its good!
Modded saws will quite often tend to chew more fuel in a given time than a stock saw but what I've found with the 7900's is that I get more wood cut per tank of fuel, particularly with longer bars. That last pop upped 660 I had though was a major fuel hog - as you'd expect with the grunt it had :)

You may very well be correct there mate with the US HO oiler - even with it flat out my Husky 390's pumped out more oil. They do have good standard oilers though and will run up to a 42" bar no worries and keep up with plenty of oil.

Yes the huskies do run considerably more oil, the 3120 will supply about 72 cc per minute from memory where the 880 is something like 50 something cc's per minute, this is only from memory and I would have to check the specs but it is something like this.
I would cut a ton and a half with a tank of fuel in 16 to 20 inch wood so the $1.50 worth of oil is not an issue. If it is working for you its good!

at 9 bucks a litre for oil here in town i save every little bit, i only use the 280 for the small stuff like that and it oils up like a greek bricky in summer
at 9 bucks a litre for oil here in town i save every little bit, i only use the 280 for the small stuff like that and it oils up like a greek bricky in summer

Here stihl oil is $35 for 4 litres, I recently got caltex for $4 a litre and it is good bar oil and that was in 1 litre packs, so you are getting majorly ripped! (I bought all they had on the shelf!) I used to use the 034 for everything up to 25 inch but the 660 is that much quicker I do not see the point of running the small saw in it.

Last lot I bought was $61/20 litres from the Caltex distributor, walk in off the street price.

yeah ya walk in here and you get ripped every time, i dont deal with too many businesses in town as i have a habit of calling them thieves, worst i seen was 5 litres for $55 best was some oregon you beaut snot that was thinner than a pollies promise and only $18 for 4 litres
yeah ya walk in here and you get ripped every time, i dont deal with too many businesses in town as i have a habit of calling them thieves, worst i seen was 5 litres for $55 best was some oregon you beaut snot that was thinner than a pollies promise and only $18 for 4 litres

better buy a 200 litre of caltex at the GTG. I have tried a lot of different and more expensive oils and the caltex is good. Gulf western is absolutely crap so avoid it like the plague!
Here stihl oil is $35 for 4 litres, I recently got caltex for $4 a litre and it is good bar oil and that was in 1 litre packs, so you are getting majorly ripped! (I bought all they had on the shelf!) I used to use the 034 for everything up to 25 inch but the 660 is that much quicker I do not see the point of running the small saw in it.

my knuckles get sore draggin through the sand carrying the 66 around all day so i like the little one, and the little ones an import so its got the super soft anti vibe with is nice on my gorilla fingers
my knuckles get sore draggin through the sand carrying the 66 around all day so i like the little one, and the little ones an import so its got the super soft anti vibe with is nice on my gorilla fingers

LOL.... wouldn't be any good in what I cut, the 660 with 25 inch is about as small as I run now, she loves the dogs locked in with the 25!
I use the Jakmax oil which is good stuff, US made by ALCO, and well priced. With the odd exception (as mentioned above) bar oil is bar oil and I'd hate to see the sort of conditions where anybody can tell the difference between a cheapie and a higher priced name brand oil.


Last lot I bought was $61/20 litres from the Caltex distributor, walk in off the street price.

Thats an excellent price Rick. Even oil direct from Tru Blu oils near Melbourne is that price.

Here stihl oil is $35 for 4 litres, I recently got caltex for $4 a litre and it is good bar oil and that was in 1 litre packs, so you are getting majorly ripped! (I bought all they had on the shelf!) I used to use the 034 for everything up to 25 inch but the 660 is that much quicker I do not see the point of running the small saw in it.

I can see why you bought all they had on the shelf!!! I'd say lucky you did before they realised they'd ballsed the price up :) I did the same with some Husky oil that I bought for $16.50 for 4L. I've got about 80L of it in the shed. My dealer cost on oil in either 3.78L (1 US Gallon) or a 20L container is roughly the same. From now on all my oil is being ordered in 4L containers - stuff the 20's. Stihl oil varies substantially in price though. Around here it's $120 for 20L. In Tassie it's around $90 and the Stihl dealer said if I bought a pallet he'd deliver it to my door in SA for $80 :D Stupid thing is it's made by Castrol and we are Castrol agents at work but can't even buy Castrol bar and chain lube for that price - stoopid!
I use the Jakmax oil which is good stuff, US made by ALCO, and well priced. With the odd exception (as mentioned above) bar oil is bar oil and I'd hate to see the sort of conditions where anybody can tell the difference between a cheapie and a higher priced name brand oil.

Thats an excellent price Rick. Even oil direct from Tru Blu oils near Melbourne is that price.

I can see why you bought all they had on the shelf!!! I'd say lucky you did before they realised they'd ballsed the price up :) I did the same with some Husky oil that I bought for $16.50 for 4L. I've got about 80L of it in the shed. My dealer cost on oil in either 3.78L (1 US Gallon) or a 20L container is roughly the same. From now on all my oil is being ordered in 4L containers - stuff the 20's. Stihl oil varies substantially in price though. Around here it's $120 for 20L. In Tassie it's around $90 and the Stihl dealer said if I bought a pallet he'd deliver it to my door in SA for $80 :D Stupid thing is it's made by Castrol and we are Castrol agents at work but can't even buy Castrol bar and chain lube for that price - stoopid!

Thats the same with Fendt tractor oil it is made by castrol but you can buy it cheaper from fendt than from the manufacturer.

As for noticing the difference between oils all you have to do is feel your bar after cutting a tanks worth! I have used better recycled motor oil than the gulf western bar oil! There are easily noticeable differences between them. I am told by a valvoline rep I know that they actually have 2 grades one is what they sell to the ocasional user (what most people buy) and a heavy duty extreme condition oil, and there is a big difference between the 2. caltex is the best I have found for the dollars though and we have a good dealer in town.

maybe I should see if they will be a sponsor for the GTG
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Yep, retail for Stihl B&C oil is cheaper in Scone from Landmark's Stihl shop than Castrol B&C oil is from my Castrol distributor @ wholesale price :dizzy:

Handy to know about the Gulf Western Trav. A few places around here stock it.
Hi-Tec is around $95/20 litres here too. I was just lucky with the Caltex lube as i dropped into the depot in Tamworth to get some coolant and casually asked about B&C oil and walked out with a 20l drum.
I have been using the Tru Blu in 150 grade for a long time and for under $60 / 20 ltr.
They allso do 100,150 and 200 grades.
The 100 grade is the same viscosity as the Stihl bar oil.
Thats the same with Fendt tractor oil it is made by castrol but you can buy it cheaper from fendt than from the manufacturer.

As for noticing the difference between oils all you have to do is feel your bar after cutting a tanks worth! I have used better recycled motor oil than the gulf western bar oil! There are easily noticeable differences between them. I am told by a valvoline rep I know that they actually have 2 grades one is what they sell to the ocasional user (what most people buy) and a heavy duty extreme condition oil, and there is a big difference between the 2. caltex is the best I have found for the dollars though and we have a good dealer in town.

Sounds like a lack of EP and AW additives.

Pretty sure I have a PDS of Gulf Westerns B&C oil and they have two different viscosities available, an ISO 100 and a 220. (100cSt @ 40*C and 220cSt @ 40*)
Sounds like a lack of EP and AW additives.

Pretty sure I have a PDS of Gulf Westerns B&C oil and they have two different viscosities available, an ISO 100 and a 220. (100cSt @ 40*C and 220cSt @ 40*)

don't know which I had but it was ORDINARY and their bottles were rubbish the caps would crap out as soon as you opened them so if they fell over in the ute you had an expensive rust preventative throughout the back of the ute and all over everything except the bar!
Like gear oil ?

Might have had a Sulphur EP additive. It'd be bloody effective if it did.

sort of but a little bit piney, some of the best stuff I have used was what we used to sell through shell when I was a teenager it was torcula rockdrill oil if my memory serves me correct was tacky as all and all the pine fallers around mt gambier used to buy it off us.