I've got a Wards 5.0 (Remington PL-55A) that originally had an automatic oiler. I plugged the fitting that pressurized the tank because it filled the crankcase with oil; so now it only has the manual oiler. It is one of the Remington saws that requires the throttle to be fully open in order for the oiler to pump. The manual oiler on this saw has never worked right, and so far I've:
1) Replaced the oil plunger,
2) Replaced the o-ring on the oil plunger,
3) Replaced the o-ring on the screw that meters the oil flow (on the rear handle),
4) Cleaned the oil pickup filter, and ensured that the oil hose has no cracks or holes,
5) Drilled a hole in the oil cap and put a cotter-pin in the oil cap to ensure that the oil tank cannot vapor-lock,
6) Cleaned the oil lines with break cleaner,
7) Adjusted the metering screw, all the way out to 3 full turns open, and
8) Used oil mixed 2:1 with diesel fuel (for ease of pumping).
I did all of this, and when I pull the throttle trigger and press the oil plunger I still only get bubbles to come out of the oil hole.
I have plugged the check valve that pressurises the oil tank on several other Remington saws, and have never had a problem with the manual oiler not working. Does anybody know what else I can try to fix the manual oiler?
Thanks much.