Flaws in GOL on the fireline
The hinge does not do all the work to get a tree to the ground.
1) Face provides the initial part of the release,
2) Back-cut - step two of the release,
3) Hinge, if everything is done properly, controls the release - the fall - the direction of fall.
Often on the fireline, the trees being dropped are snags.
GOL - Open Face is a moot point in dead or drought timber. Remember a hinge that breaks prior to 90 degrees negatives the control, (theoretically), at the point where it breaks.
Dead snags will have the hinge break commonly around 40-50 degrees. Sometimes earlier. Rotten trees may well have no hinge control whatsoever. Drought trees of any species, (live fuel moistures down to say 110%), will be more brittle than that same species fully green, (live fuel moistures above say 160% minimum).
Spending time making an open face, (Tek9Tim's point), is a waste in large conifers generally. It is a huge safety consideration when dealing with the very dangerous dead and recently weakened by fire trees/snags on the fireline. I have yet to see a photo or appropriate emphasis by GOL training materials on looking up while falling danger trees.
The Open Face is the second hardest of the four face cuts. It apparently requires a lot of concentration. The Block Face w/Snipe, (four cuts and lots of ability needed), is the hardest.
Remember, an unobstructed limb, will fall 50 feet in less than 2 seconds and be going 40 mph when it hits the faller. LOOK UP is golden rule #2 is danger tree falling. (#1 is don't be afraid to say no).
For most people, the conventional undercut is the easiest to accomplish and allows the most vertical situational awareness. I will concede that many Humboldt professional cutters on the west coast are so good at that technique that they can and do look up very well. If you have any photos showing this by GOL - Open face practitioners, please post them.
This photo shows an Open Face Cutter in action. The serious error is not looking up, of course. This photo was not picked out selectively to make this point. The entire batch from this project showed not one single instance of the faller looking up while cutting dead trees with widow makers overhead.