Cut Split Stack Burn
Dang it Uncle Mike you stole what I was going to write, its about independence for me. Fudge the oil man! He can kiss my arse if he thinks he's gonna get my $$$. I like the exercise and the fresh air and the adrenaline rush when dropping a nasty tree. There is no price tag I can put on it anymore, I spend too much time in my office and firewood is the way I get to remind myself "I'm still a man". My next house, sure I could afford now to burn oil for heat, but screw that, I want a outdoor burner for 80% of the heat and a nice looking (for the wife) insert in a beautiful stone "fireplace/mantle" in my living room for those weeks like we're having this week. It doesn't matter how much money I ever make, giving the bastard oil companies money for my car is enough, I'm not gonna give those Saudi sons a ******* any more of my hard earned money than I have too!When I first started heating my house by wood, it was out of necessity, in 1979 the Energy Crisis (resulting from Iranian revolution) tripled the price of fuel oil, so a $35 air tight kit for a 55 gal drum, and a Homelite Super 2 (14" bar) paid for itself almost immediately! There was no choice!
But once I started doing it, I did not want to stop. Part of it was just to maintain my independence regardless of price or energy blackouts.