Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Went to Boss Excavating to sign that waiver. Got to the front door and there was a sign on the front door that said "GUNS ALLOWED HERE".

I knew at that point it was gonna be a good day.

Was met at the front desk by 2 beautiful young women. Even better. Drove over to the site and got my truck close enough to the pile for a pic. You can only see the front half of the pile in the pic next to my truck. In the pic with the 3 big trunks, the holes that are rotted are TWO FEET in diameter. When I walked up to those big trunks they came up to my nose. I'm glad I got the 395. I think the biggest bar I can put on a 395 without voiding warranty is 42", and the biggest I got is 32". I didnt think I would ever need a 42" bar but I didnt plan on 10 tons of 48" OAK falling into my lap. From what I can see without un-burying stuff there are FIVE big red oak trunks in there, and they make the other big stuff in that pile look small.

ahm gonna needz helps.
Google says 6 hours drive time via the turn pike :innocent:. Probly less then 5 running with traffic.
No, we don't do that sissy stop/start rubbish here. Cowgirl can even change the battery in these.
That's funny.
Guy I know went to Germany to pick out his new BMW, he got a ticket for leaving it running at the dry cleaners, all that after running 160mph down the autobahn, the irony:laughing:.
Google says 6 hours drive time via the turn pike :innocent:. Probly less then 5 running with traffic.
It's about that from me too.
I'm pretty sure I can keep them within an inch, even without a stick, so they will all be 1-2":chainsaw:.
Excuse the dull chain, and the videography(my son :)).
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On a serious note, forecast wind chill tonight is between-35 and -40! Got home from work and my boys had already carried about half a facecord up beside the door. Good boys and better wife for making them work. Stay warm fellas!
You can see where the new fence is too LOL.
That hurts just looking at those numbers :cold:.
Probly more like 6 here. At 46 I'd be thinking about shorts again.

High of 15* tomorrow with 25-35mph sustained winds with 40mph gusts. The wind chill is going to "nope not going outside". I'm going to park my happy butt by the wood stove all day and drink coffee. 46* would be shorts and t-shirt weather. The other day it was 22* in the afternoon and that was a kinda warm when I went outside.