whoa that’s some lumber. I found 2 cord of eucalyptus I’m trying to get my dad to go with me and get.

Is the wood red?
whoa that’s some lumber. I found 2 cord of eucalyptus I’m trying to get my dad to go with me and get.
Good thing they dont do that here. When it's cold I leave the truck run all day. I dont shut it off till I get home from running everywhere, sometimes 6hrs run time.
46F , rain and windy as all get out here .
Conquistador3 , isn't palm sap corrosive on any magnesium parts ?
Spokane, Wa - ticket you for that. There are lot of vehicles been stolen over the years because people start them to warm up and go back in the house for a bit of coffee.
I'd play it to my advantage, which ever system was closest to where I wanted it to be, is the one I'd use. -6 sounds better than -21 so that's where I'd be. Just sent the wife a text to pic up a big round thermometer to hang on the fence outside the kitchen window, doesn't have to be accurate, just close.-6 F here. Or -21 C. I’m one of the few Canadians that converts Celsius to Fahrenheit I was in elementary school when Canada switched to the metric system but I spent 14 years living in “Murica” so I got educated in both....I’m so confused right now I’m not sure how warm it is in the house so I put one metric log and one standard one in the stove this morning just to be safe!
send 32 this way please.Supposed to finally snap the cold streak here starting tomorrow. Sunday is scheduled to be 32. Saws are calling.