Looks great!
Yes, we're looking at 40 deg C here today. It's been two weeks since I've been fishing so I thought I'd better get up early before it gets too hot. I was on the road before 5am heading up the mountain. There's a hydro lake up there that I have fished a few times without result and I thought that today was the day. I saw a good size deer (maybe upper waist/lower chest height on me at the shoulder) on the side of the road on the way up and stopped to take a snap. Didn't come out too well.
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Moving on, I made it up the top just before sunrise.
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There was a bit of breeze which made it pretty fresh. Hard to believe that it's forecast to get to 40degC today but this was at 5500ft.
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Unfortunately, despite trying a range of lures, I ended up with my fishless record at this lake intact. Not a single hit. After a while, I decided to head down to another lake half way down the mountain where I have picked up some good fish in the past. It's a nice spot and the water was clear as.
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Despite having two troutpedoes follow different lures, still no hits. So I gave up and went back down to drink beer in front of the cricket. At least I might have a win there.