********. Pure ********.
I've worked in safety at a professional level for over 30 years. I have worked with people in government, industry, insurance, trade unions, on shop floors, etc., in more types of workplaces than you can count.
You have no idea what the **** you are talking about.
You may be one of the few. Thanks for genuinely caring

I think most who get into that type of work get in with good intentions, but those intentions go out the window when they get in the real world and need to pay their bills and are influenced by the outside powers that be.
I've been pulled over so many times and heard the ramblings of the safety police "we just care about your safety as well as the publics safety", then they let me leave with a blatant safety violation an a ticket. If you cared so much about me and everyone else why are you letting me leave, I would have respected both the position and their judgement/what they were saying if they would have shut my truck down and said you will have it fixed before it leaves.
I've worked in many types of jobs/sites/plant blah blah blah and seen "safety" through legalism and it typically make a worker no more safe than experience.
You can post the stats, I understand very well how they work. The last J O B I had was at a fortune 250 company who has over 11k employees world wide and a "very good" safety record
on paper. We had cameras on every truck; back up and back up beepers), side cameras. If you had an accident on the clock and you were on my crew with 3 other guys we would do everything we could to get you back to the shop and punched out(even before the job was done) so it was not a loss time incident. Why did we do this, because if we didn't we would all loose our quarterly safety bonus(which also meant you automatically lost your annual safety bonus

), that's right everyone on the crew whether you did or didn't have any part and even if it was unavoidable by you(sorry, guess you were in the wrong place at the wrong time

). Oh and lets be clear the boss wouldn't question it when you drove an hr out of the way to get the guy punched out so he could go to the med center, and would not go into what happened as his safety record would be effected by it. We also had our monthly safety meetings per the company, those did a lot of good not.
I can go on and on about it, including guys who were killed on the job, why cause they didn't follow the rules, no because of money.
That being said their was one thing I originally had a hard thing with at this company that I grew to appreciate, they had a no backing without a spotter policy. I had an issue with it because I was prideful, what can't I back a truck and a pup trailer, why did you hire me if you don't trust me

. But I realize that backing accidents are a huge portion of trucking accidents, and one thing we had was a guy in the truck who could guide you back(on the road I didn't have that). It took me a while to get used to it, and also took me a while to get the guys used to it, but I figure their getting paid so they can get their butts out of the truck and spot me just in case. It was an automatic termination if you were caught backing without a spotter ordering a full walk around before backing.
Much of the rules and regs won't stop accidents as employers don't train on them, but only have manuals that they don't even make the employee read, but only sign a release saying they read it to cover their butts from a lawsuit

Most truck drivers carry the book, whatever it's called, I was tested on it 25yrs ago, but couldn't tell you what the heck is in it today. I'll be back, I'm going to go read it real quick so I can be safer

. Heck the DOT officers don't even know those books and they are the ones "policing", this is why they have their pet tickets, cause it's easy to write them up. More regulation hasn't made the trucking industry safer. I've said many times we don't need more rules we need more officers to enforce the rules we already have or the rules are worthless, that and to train people of the intent behind the laws.
I can go on and on, but folks want to talk about deer hunting and guns, that was funny
